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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ST blade

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I think that that ST blade is B.S. because every month easton comes out with a new stick, and with that stick they make its look-a-like blade. how is that blade dif. from the sicore synthesis blade or synthesis blade.

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It's only goin for 35 bucks. That's not bad. I wonder what the specs. are on this blade...any focus flex? Weight? Those kinds of things.

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I wonder if its price indicates its quality (as a mid-level blade). The Focus Flex, Bauer X, Inno are all near $50. I'm guessing it's not that light or something.

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All it means is that they'll offer a SL CNT blade. Z-Carbons have been going down in price (they were outsourced to China) so they'll offer three blades. We went down $10 on it. The SL will be the one at the $60 price point.

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I wonder if its price indicates its quality (as a mid-level blade). The Focus Flex, Bauer X, Inno are all near $50. I'm guessing it's not that light or something.

LMAO....Thats just wow. We complain that the price of hockey equipment is increasing, yet we get puzzled when a new product is made to be more durable and cost less? Kinda ironic dont you think....... :huh:

$35 insted of $50 for a durable blade is what the origonals should of gone for IMO

I dont say this to be a dick by any means, it just jumped out at me. Feel free to agree or disagree


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It's very unlikely for a company to put out a product which costs less and outperformers the others, especially a company like Easton who is considered at, or around, the top of the composite hockey stick market.

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I think EZ kinda helped me on my response to you Capn'...if it's $35 dollars, especially being from Easton, it's only worth $35. I dunno if it's gonna be more durable. As somebody mentioned, the ST's aren't really that more durable.

My comment indicated my feeling, basically, that you get what you pay for. A Focus Flex blade is pretty good performance-wise, durability..ehhh...so to me it's ok to pay $50 for it. That's pretty much the going rate for a good blade these days. So if this blade is only $35, the same price as their lower-end Ultra Lite blade, then I'm thinking that the blade itself will not be high-performance.

As JR said, there will be 3 in the lineup, and this ST is going to be (price-wise) the lowest of the three. Unfortunately, and you touched on something Capn', we are all too willing to pay top dollar for sticks. But to me, performance is different than durability. I am willing to pay top dollar for performance and overlook a certain amount of expected durability. Everyone knows the Stealths don't last that long, but performance wise, it's a darn good stick. It is sad when companies, and buyers alike, are willing to forgo durability in order to meek out slight edges for performance. But thems be the times. If I was that concerned about durability, I'd buy a wood stick :lol:

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Would this mean that z-carbon will be going close out price...or they will still be 90cnd and be replaced by the one from china...anybody know if their spec will change(performance.feeling,durability)

By the way What i think...ST will be a standard blade but a good one cheap...after the z-carbon a nice blade that everybody know top end standard blade, and SL combo TAPERED!

let see what will be the final result...i'm more interesting in the feel of the SL blade over the syns, and the weight of the shaft compared to the r2xn10!

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From what I have noticed, the blades are thinner.

The SL CNT blade is purely speculation on my part. Haven't gotten a confirmation on it, and to be honest, I don't think it's gonna happen.

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From what I have noticed, the blades are thinner.

The SL CNT blade is purely speculation on my part. Haven't gotten a confirmation on it, and to be honest, I don't think it's gonna happen.

Logical assumption. There are some products that are just a natural progression from the current models.

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I figure it can only be a matter of time until another top of the line shaft/blade combo comes out on the market to match the weight of the newer OPS. I see the R2 Xn10, and thats really it. The V130 is on the way apperantly, but I haven't seen any yet and I know their shafts have not sold at all regionally. Even the Xn10 isn't the "top" OPS in TPS' line anymore.

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I figure it can only be a matter of time until another top of the line shaft/blade combo comes out on the market to match the weight of the newer OPS. I see the R2 Xn10, and thats really it. The V130 is on the way apperantly, but I haven't seen any yet and I know their shafts have not sold at all regionally. Even the Xn10 isn't the "top" OPS in TPS' line anymore.

I was actually asking about having something special made up today, I'll know more next week.

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Already looked at that, this is something a little different. Most things we check into never come to fruition for one reason or another. If things work out, you'll know.

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Already looked at that, this is something a little different. Most things we check into never come to fruition for one reason or another. If things work out, you'll know.

You need to rebadge the old Hespeler Alpha Nemesis and make that your own branded stick.

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