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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Konolwalchuk Gold SL?

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I'm watching the Avs-Oilers game and Steve Konolwalchuk just scored. I noticed his stick looked to be an Easton gold colored SL. I don't have a pic of it. Is this a new shaft? I didn't even know he switched to one-pieces, he's been using woodies forever now.

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I'm watching the Avs-Oilers game and Steve Konolwalchuk just scored. I noticed his stick looked to be an Easton gold colored SL. I don't have a pic of it. Is this a new shaft? I didn't even know he switched to one-pieces, he's been using woodies forever now.

does it look like the stick samsonov has been using. I can't tell if Sergei is using a woodie, or some gold-colored stick or yellow or somtething. Sammy is a bauer guy though, so maybe he has custom colored XX/XXX?

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I'm pretty sure Sammy is using a XXX Lite, at least he was as of last week when I saw pics.

When I was watching the game, I was like, hmm I haven't seen that one yet. But then I thought maybe it was just the lighting and that it must just be an SL. But when he got to the bench, it really looked gold colored. So gold colored in fact, that I thought it might a throwback stick of some kind, kinda like the old gold aluminium Leetch used back in the early-mid 90s.

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i believe brad may is also using a trilage, not 100% if it was him, but i know it was either a dallas star or colorado avalanche "tough guy" because i remember seeing it during a recent kings game.

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Yes, I've seen Brad May using the Trilage.

And I am certain it was an Easton stick that Konowalchuk was using. When he was on the bench I could clearly see "EAS" from Easton at the top of the stick. I got a quick look when he was on the ice, and it appeared to have the SL color scheme...that being one color, chromish, faded into a darker color at the bottom and blade.

I guess it was just the lighting. Damn, I have a $500 flat tube tv that is supposed to eliminate glare too....

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That's an old pic. He was using RBK gloves last night anyway, and in the pic he's got Kohos. Not to mention, the Aves haven't played the Rangers this year, Pre or Regular season...and I think that goalie is Jason Labarbera, who is now on the Kings.

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Looks like a Koho logo behind Kono's jersey so that must be from 2 years ago.

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Watching the Avs-Canucks game now...def. using an SL Grip. Must have been the lighting in Rexall...or my TV.

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I was at the Canucks/Colorado game tonight (sitting near players' bench) and May was using a Trilage.

We got a good look on TV when he was in the box.

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I saw Fata's trilage last night at the Pens/Bruins Game.It looked pretty nice and I got a good view of it since I was right behind the glass.

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It looks more like a wooden stick to me. It looks like it weighs a ton. I still wouldnt pay 269 CDN for one.

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It looks more like a wooden stick to me. It looks like it weighs a ton. I still wouldnt pay 269 CDN for one.

How can you tell how much a stick weighs just by looking at a picture on the internet? I'm pretty sure you can't...

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there actually pretty light, the inside part of the shaft is concave, you get a pretty good shot with it. i got a sample which is too stiff another guy got a pro drury one who is launching missiles with it.

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