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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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question about being healthy scratched

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my buddy is a sophmore at another college and got healthy scratched this weekend. I tried to give him personal advice cuz as all of you can see on USCHO, i was one too last year when i was a freshman. they kid is losing it. he was in and out all last year,a dn they sat him again today, and i have no idea what to say. should it be that the season has just begun adn coach is testing the lines and lettign everyone get a chance? i dont see him practice but he says that he skates hard and does well. coach said he had confidence in him to put him on the PP even, and said he was one of the fastest skaters on the team, and i believe this as well.

p.s. he todl me in exhibiton when coach playe dhim, he gave him little to no shifts so he really couldtn showcase his moves. this kid was good , i played with him and prep adn he tore it up better than me.

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If he's a top 6 player, and isn't playing well enough to be in that grouping..sometimes there's no room to displace someone on another line..especially if they are clicking and work well together..

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hes an honor roll student, grades arent the issue. he said for some reason each player had an individual meeting and thats what coach told him. he says he coudl be top 6, but i think more or less he should be on the third line, judging by their team when we played them last yr.

the kid is beside himself

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call him hank healthy scratch or the paper boy (collecting stats on paper)

How about we call you Tomato, since you're a fruit in disguise.

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Just tell him to relax and continue working hard at practice. It maybe that the coach knows hes a possible top 6 but, the coach may want to test the kids ablity to handle these types of situations to show true character. I could be far off but ive seen it happen through past coaches. The season is still young.....

PS- what school?


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I can't advise what to do with more ice time, but make sure he doesn't get down about it and keeps working hard. Eventually he'll get a shot, and if he's been working hard and getting better, he'll have a chance to shine. If you can, make sure he doesn't get nervous if he does end up with little ice time.

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Hopefully it's just a situation where the coach is trying to matchup the lineup on any given night. If he keeps busting his ass in practice I'm sure he's going to get his chance. If not, maybe the coach is looking for something a little different from him. I could be way off but in a lot of cases asking what you can do to make sure it doesn't happen again can go a long way to making sure you're on the ice.

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