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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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check out rob blake's eagle gloves

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They all look like they're looking at a big juicy steak...or one of the players' hot wives.

I coulda swore I saw Blake using a black TPS stick by the end of the game. As a matter of fact, I think I've seen a few guys with a black tinted TPS-Adrenaline.

Is that the new Control stick?

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They all look like they're looking at a big juicy steak...or one of the players' hot wives.

I coulda swore I saw Blake using a black TPS stick by the end of the game. As a matter of fact, I think I've seen a few guys with a black tinted TPS-Adrenaline.

Is that the new Control stick?

Black with white and green logos


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did anyone catch what stick hatcher was using against the leafs? i seen him using some sort of mission stick...all black with white or grey writing

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did anyone catch what stick hatcher was using against the leafs? i seen him using some sort of mission stick...all black with white or grey writing

I think he's using a Hex-1 grip, possibly custom

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did anyone catch what stick hatcher was using against the leafs? i seen him using some sort of mission stick...all black with white or grey writing

I think he's using a Hex-1 grip, possibly custom


Paint job is stock Hex grip, almost looks like a two-piece in that pic.

while with the wings he used a l-2

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did anyone catch what stick hatcher was using against the leafs? i seen him using some sort of mission stick...all black with white or grey writing

I think he's using a Hex-1 grip, possibly custom


Paint job is stock Hex grip, almost looks like a two-piece in that pic.

It looks like Leclair's wearin' one of the different color combo Vector's also.

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Does anyone know what model those gloves are? becuase they look awesome! i love eagle gloves, but have always hated the fact that not many have split fingers. and the split backrolls look sweet too.


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did anyone catch what stick hatcher was using against the leafs? i seen him using some sort of mission stick...all black with white or grey writing

I think he's using a Hex-1 grip, possibly custom


Paint job is stock Hex grip, almost looks like a two-piece in that pic.

It looks like Leclair's wearin' one of the different color combo Vector's also.

i'm pretty sure those are just regular vectors. friends of mine who have them, have had theirs go dark after use because of water on the skate. water and moisture just makes the skate look darker.

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Does anyone know what model those gloves are? becuase they look awesome! i love eagle gloves, but have always hated the fact that not many have split fingers. and the split backrolls look sweet too.


I do...can't speak on it.

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Does anyone know what model those gloves are? becuase they look awesome! i love eagle gloves, but have always hated the fact that not many have split fingers. and the split backrolls look sweet too.


I do...can't speak on it.

So the gloves blake wears aren't infinities?

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Does anyone know what model those gloves are? becuase they look awesome! i love eagle gloves, but have always hated the fact that not many have split fingers. and the split backrolls look sweet too.


I do...can't speak on it.

are they a new model coming out soon then? please let me know when you can!

Thanks JR

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