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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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trust me, ive read every post there ever was on this skate, i was just wondering if anyone has any more details on its release date (currently stated as Holiday Season '05) thanks

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Do you guys now why no1 is whereing them? is it just for the olympics or what?

A. They didn't get them

B. They got them, but not early enough to get used to them before the season

C. They got them and they're breaking them in

D. They got them and don't like them

E. They got them, like them, but are getting paid to use something different

F. They have them, like them and wear them

Take your pick

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As a matter of Fact I saw them up close on Crosby on Saturday night,they looked nice.Seeing as I was right on the glass and his foot kicked up right in front of me, when he got hit.

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Do you guys now why no1 is whereing them? is it just for the olympics or what?

A. They didn't get them

B. They got them, but not early enough to get used to them before the season

C. They got them and they're breaking them in

D. They got them and don't like them

E. They got them, like them, but are getting paid to use something different

F. They have them, like them and wear them

Take your pick

THos are VERY good choices :P

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are these gonna be upwards of $500? are they gonna release a whole line of pump skates? i would love to pick up a pair but dont wana drop that much cash, maybe a 3K pump edition?

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Looking forward to see if the Pump will turn into a nightmare for Retailer's or not.

Pump's are great fitting skates, and real easy to break in, but the valve on my left 8k Pump skate (roller) busted after 3 weeks of normal use (with special care before/after use).

Would be cool to hear how the 9k's are holding up at the Pro level so far, maybe quite a few of the players are on their second or third pair? :rolleyes:

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Mine are still going strong, but I have to bind my feet like a geisha to get them back in there. I'd be tempted to get the new models if they're anything like the old ones.

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from what ive heard there only doing the one pump skate for now and maybe doing cheaper ones down the road but i doubt it since they have other rbk skates so why make 2 rbk branded skates with the vectors and tack line

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i am surprised about them not being listed anywhere, great skate always lists their stuff with a "(enter month here) delivery date" they are doin that now with the roller rbk pump skates.

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i dont think anyone would have a sku yet for the skates.like im sure any retailer could take a deposit but they couldnt give you an accurate price

I spoke with my rep yesterday, looks like I am the only store in his area who has ordered them so far. (so I get them first). I know what they will cost me, just havent come up with retail price. It will likely be $50-75 more than the 8k. But that's just me, others may inflate price due to popularity, something I don't do.

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did he mention when you might get them?

before xmas...which could mean by April! :D Actually he was saying that CCM is finally over all the shipping problems they have had this past year, so hopefully I do get them by xmas.

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2 Guys on my team have them now. Just got em last night. I felt the inside and it was sick, you can tell it is full of air. You pump the more round part, and on the other side you can adjust how much air you want in there by squeezing the inside and pushing on the other green cap with your fingernail. Pretty sick skates

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I didn't ask, I'm going out on a limb and saying he got them for free. I think his dad works for RBK. both guys are from Montreal but we are playing in Toronto. Ill check on it

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