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All Torhs Team

Taping Shins

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IVe realized over the past couple months that some of the fancy players in our "crowd" tape there shinpads alot. Ask them why and they say because it holds my shin pads in place. Well, I realized that they never do it in practices! Only in games. Does taping your shin pads make you look "fancier"? I especially realized this in Statewars since so many fans were watching. Players that never taped pants up in practice would down half a roll on pants every game. Any views on it?

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Are you talking about taping your shin pads for roller hockey? I never taped my shin pads for roller, just looks/feels better. Plus, all the top ice players that I played roller with didn't tape them either, so I just copied them...

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for both ice and roller. seems like the fancier, better players want to look "sweet" and tape there pants/socks. I guess it looks sorta cool, but its pointless if your doing it just for looks. The guys im talking about do it only for games and dont tape it for practices. I guess there excues-my shin pads need to stay in place- only comes into effect in games.

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I only do it so my pads stay in place. Practice, house league, travel tournament, my pants/pads are always taped. I could care less about how it looks.

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I tape my pro tack shingaurds every time (ice) I took the straps off because they are useless and I dont like straps, It has nothing to do with being fancy, If i didnt tape my shins I would be pulling them up all the time and they would never stay in place.

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one team i was on the GM only allowed clear tape on socks for games and no black laces, they wanted everyone to be similar in those aspects, no one minded. also only black or white tape on sticks too. again on this team one guy tried to do a heatley/mccarty lace style belt for his pants, he was denied, oh and we all had to have black cages or the itech concept dlx fish bowl, i think it was a good thing, as little as it may have done i think it shows team unity in a way

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ya, I like it when teams get same colored pants, helmtes, but I've never heard the extent of same colored laces? I usually paint my cage to what ever the team colors are. For statewars I had to paint the cage white.

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I tape them because they hold my shinpads in place. i guess it looks cool, but i never really though about it like that. if you are just using it to look cool, you've lost the concept of hockey and probably waste alot of money doing it

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one team i was on the GM only allowed clear tape on socks for games and no black laces, they wanted everyone to be similar in those aspects, no one minded. also only black or white tape on sticks too. again on this team one guy tried to do a heatley/mccarty lace style belt for his pants, he was denied, oh and we all had to have black cages or the itech concept dlx fish bowl, i think it was a good thing, as little as it may have done i think it shows team unity in a way

Even the soviets realized that players play better when they get thier personal preference as far as taping your stuff goes...

I tape my pads only during games because it would cost me too much money otherwise. The way I tape them helps me keep my knees bent, so it's more suited to skating and sitting down, without any standing around in between.

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I tape my shin pads every game and practice. I can't stand it with out it. I tried to skate without tape, and it was annoying. I don't the "looking good" thing. I don't really think that it looks good or bad really.

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i didnt say we couldnt tape them, it just had to be plastic clear tape in games so we didnt have any dusche bags that barber shopped their black socks with white tape, thats all

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Alright. Theres alot of guys around here that tape shins only in games. but this one kid im thinking of is pretty good I play with him alot, and dont want to talk bad about him but i watched him and he tapes up his pants, undo's it, does it all over again. And after seeing this a couple times I figured out when he has to redo it all....when the curves or criss crosses arent on the side. LMAO This guy goes through a roll of tape a game. one half for each side. becausee he redo's it so much. I just thought its funny.

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Ugh I hate it when people put stick tape on their socks.  Any thing besides clear is annoying to me for some reason.

i prefer stick to clear on socks, weird, but i havent had to buy tape in 4 years, maybe thats why

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they never had cases of plastic for you guys? i know in the western ontario jr b league, ohl, cleveland of the nahl, and chilliwack in the BCHL its team policy for clear tape, well i guess white stick tape on white parts, black on black socks, but you know like not putting white tape all over blue and gold socks

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Who gives a flying turd what they look like when taped? The reason you tape them is so when you slam into the boards doing 30 mph the shin pad does not move off of your knee and stop protecting you when you need it most! If you don't tape, you are a hospital trip waiting to happen.

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Ugh I hate it when people put stick tape on their socks.  Any thing besides clear is annoying to me for some reason.

i prefer stick to clear on socks, weird, but i havent had to buy tape in 4 years, maybe thats why

lol, I prefer stick tape too. :) We do have clear tape but I still prefer stick tape.

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Clear tape for me too, but sometimes (which means most of the time), I'm just too damn lazy to use any tape at all. I don't find that tape makes any difference in terms of keeping my shins in place, but then I also think that having those wickedly good straps on the V-10s help.

I do think that the tape makes it a little easier to get up off the ice when I'm in a kneel though...I think it's b/c the tape doesn't stick to the ice like the sock does...

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I've always used those WSI Shin Sleeves for roller and they do an outstandng job of holding the shinguards in place. No tape needed.

Sometimes in significant tournament games where I'm playing defense and know that I'll be sliding down to block shots, I'll wrap some tape *just* to be sure the pads don't shift.

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I cut the straps off my shin guards so I have to use tape to hold them in place. I didn't like the way the straps felt or fit. I prefer the stretchy, clear tape and tape them down just under the knee pad part and at the bottom, just above my skates (the shin guards go over the top of my skates).

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