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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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rbk torquing issue

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Okay i heard some time ago that the rbk shaft had torquing issue(get weaker after time) and i have like 4 guys on my team who didnt lie their 4k!

but i'M wondering if it is the same on the high-end 7k(ops) and 6k(shaft) or even the 5k??


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i am very impressed with my 6k shaft so far. almost no torquing if there is any at all. it is slightly heavier as far as high end shafts go but in my opinion that only makes this shaft better and improves its feel, which is one of my favorite aspects of this shaft. i would definately buy another and plan to, as my 6k pro stock one piece has held up very well i expect this shaft will too...i find ccm (thc) shafts to be alot stronger than the competition as far as slash resistance, and this one shoots extremely well too. also the grip coating is very nice although i am afraid that part of it may not last very long, it began to peel on the ops within 2 weeks of use. stickers suck too, hopefully rbk/ccm will eventually catch on to that and perhaps make a softer grip similar to the old z-bubble grips (1st generation). if they did that would make this shaft even better!

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Not, trying to get too off topic but I'm just wondering, does anybody know about a 6k OPS, I just bought one today, i have it at home right now, It's not on the RBK site or in stores. The guy i bought it off of got it from my local Major Junior team (WHL Kelowna Rockets) and I'm just wondering about it cause i've never seen one before, but so far i like it

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Not, trying to get too off topic but I'm just wondering, does anybody know about a 6k OPS, I just bought one today, i have it at home right now, It's not on the RBK site or in stores. The guy i bought it off of got it from my local Major Junior team (WHL Kelowna Rockets) and I'm just wondering about it cause i've never seen one before, but so far i like it

i think the 6k were just prostock only sticks, not released to the public for retail.

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They have 5K shafts at Sportchek here for $79. I was thinkin of picking up a couple... are they worth it? I like how the 6K feels but I would prefer a standard hosel shaft not a tapered.

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They have 5K shafts at Sportchek here for $79. I was thinkin of picking up a couple... are they worth it? I like how the 6K feels but I would prefer a standard hosel shaft not a tapered.

When i got mine i hated it but i cut it down a bit and its not as flexy so i guess its ok.

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