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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm going as Mr. Bean. Got the teddy bear and everything. (Maybe I should show up in a green Mini.)

OT, but my Spanish teacher looks just like Mr. Bean. He was teaching us how to say "to sleep", acted it out, and looked like the narcaleptic (sp?) guy from Rat Race. :D

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About 6 yrs ago I got all decked out like the Crow (Brandon Lee movie). Did a pretty good job too. Almost all the details except the hair.

Then I got lazy and dressed up as E-Male last year. Yup, got an index card, wrote and E and taped it to myself. E-Male.

Almost as good as my friend who stuck a bow to his shirt and went out as "God's Gift to Women".

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I've seen someone go out as a flasher - trenchcoat, just your shorts underneath (unless you want to be REAL authentic), and a fake dick. It was hilarious - the pictures you can get of ppl tugging the fake dick is jokes. :lol:

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me and my 2 best friends are dressing up as each other. its rather funny only because i am white, one of them is filipino (and short) and the other guy is asian. so i am going as the filipino friend but doing everything from skin color to hair color etc. while my asian friend is gonna be me and paint his face white. the idea is more funny then the actual costume

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