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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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<---------- I was that guy. Quite simple just get a ski mask and put tinfoil on your teeth.

I don't think that the foil would feel to great.

You can barely notice it if you get it to stick to your teeth.

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One I did at fifteen proved to be popular. My sister drew a face on a pillow case for me, which I wore over my head. Then I put stuffing in a long-sleeve, buttoned shirt, which I wore between my waist and knees. My pants were between my knees and ankles, and the belt holding them up caused me to walk with a sway back. Pretty amusing looking.

A guy at work had a great costume years ago. He went as the Grim Reaper, which everybody could tell, because he was sitting at his desk. In fact, you could tell who everyone was -- that's Sally, that's John, that's Mike -- but nobody could figure out who the skeleton was. It turned out the Grim Reaper was going into the bathroom throughout the day and changing costumes. He fooled everybody. :D

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I am going to be Jenga for Halloween.

How is thats gonan work out?

I took a furniture box which I modified to fit me. Next, I took maple veneer which I bought at The Home Depot and cut it into the famous Jenga shapes. I painted the box black, and contact cemented the block shapes to the box. I had a stencil made and painted the logos onto the block sides. Lastly, I put four coats of satin polyurethane on my costume. This is probably my best costume ever, but it was a supreme pain in the ass.

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Okay here we go



it's not A1, but i dont exactly look like Nadal in the first place. It should be good for a some laughs and giggles especially when I go play tennis with my friend during our lunch break.

is Nadal a nick name for bruce lee?

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dont know if this one has been posted, but up here in MN, the whole vikings scandal is being talked about A LOT!

lot of ppl want to have one be a cruise ship, and have a group of girls go dressed all slutty as the strippers, with a few guys dressed as pimped up vikings.

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