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Best Horror Movie

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For me I have to go with the orginal "Halloween". Low budget movie that this is well written with amazing screen setup and killer music.

All time classic.

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Excorcist--but this may be why i think so--

when i was 10 i had to watch it, Tv was outside on porch, and it was dark and cold, how gay, can you beleive my grandparents would make me sit down outside in the dark, cold and watch the excorcist when i was 10?? <_<

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Excorcist--but this may be why i think so--

when i was 10 i had to watch it, Tv was outside on porch, and it was dark and cold, how gay, can you beleive my grandparents would make me sit down outside in the dark, cold and watch the excorcist when i was 10?? <_<

Gotta say that movie is on of the scariest EVER! I can remember seeing that movie as a kid with chills running up and down my back. Good choice!

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I saw the Exorcism of Emily Rose a few weekends ago and it was by far the scariest movie I have ever seen. That being said, I really enjoyed it, and it did the trick, but it wouldn't be my favourite. Wes Craven's New Nightmare has always been my favourite I'm a sucker for Kruger. I've been watching the Hallowe'ens a fair bit recently, I like'em more than I used to, but I'm not "hooked" on him. I'd love to see a new "supervillain" type come along. Saw 2 should be good.

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I, generally...don't like being scared. I don't watch many Horror films. The original "Alien" was scary...not gore scary, but they built tension so well. Big lead up in the muisic...you think somehting is going to happen...music stops...nothing happened. Then WHAM Alien right there.

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Forgot about some of my favourites:

Mary Kate and Ashley's New York Minute

Glitter, starring Mariah Carey

Street Fighter starring Jean Claude Van Damme and Raul Julia

Can you imagine having your eyes pried open a la A Clockwork Orange, and being forced to watch these movies over and over and over again?

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Stephen King's IT. That shit was !@#$ed. I HATE clowns.

I agree. Thats the first movie I though of when I saw this thread.

Saw 2 should be good.

Yeah it looks good. I hope we get to find out what happened at the end of the first one.

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I think the older horror movies are better as well. Amityville Horror, Halloween, and Exorcist are my 3 tops....may have to rent them this weekend.

Nothing "new" comes to mind as scary. The Ring is decent but it's based off an old Japanese movie anyway.

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I just watched "The Grudge" last weekend. It´s a japanese production and goes into the direction of "The Ring". I can´t stand Sarah Michealle Gellar but in that movie she is decent. The best scary movie I´ve seen recently. Better than the Ring in my o.

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im personally in to the type of horror movie where whats happenings is actually possible, when it can never ever happen, i jsut dont find it scary but the possibility of it being possible to happen, thats what i like

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Stephen King's IT. That shit was !@#$ed. I HATE clowns.

Yea, thats definetely the most scary movie that ive seen.. Scared me for so long

Good thing I only watch romantic comedies now :lol:

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Poltergeist. I remember seeing that when I was 11 at a friend's house and my sister and I had to walk home in the dark.

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I'll agree with the Japanese movies. "The Grudge" was a lot creepier than I thought it'd be, then one night I was catching it on HBO and it lost its creepiness. Later that night the original Japanese version was on another channel and I have to say for its budget it was a lot more disturbing.

One I'm sure no one's heard of is "Clownhouse." Clowns scare the piss out of me anyway, but this one's just wrong.

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All the Romero Living death series.

Alien series (didnt scare me but i like them).

The remake of the living death that they made one or two year ago (maybe "the dawn of the death").

28 days after wasnt bad.

Stephen King It was a delusion, the book is way better (as always).

Not exactly an horror but "the village" is a good film.

I still have to find a movie that can scare me...

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scariest two movies i've ever seen were texas chainsaw massacre, and the amityville horror. amityville being the scarier of the two...nightmares for weeks...

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My best story was when I saw "The Sentinel" in eighth grade at the downtown theatre in Exeter. We lived about a mile away and my mother made me walk home.

I'm not sure why I found the movie scary, but halfway through it I started to realize, "Man, if I don't leave now, there's no frickin' way I'm going to make it home!" Sure enough, I left right then and sprinted all the way. :lol:

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And that's the sound of credibility being lost.

That's what all my friends say after they watched "the village"... :(

But it's a great movie! (for me...)

Does someone remember "blob" or something (like a jelly monster)?

That was a scary movie (but i was a kid at the time!), it's funny how those film now are boring and when you were a kid you almost piss in your pants! :lol:

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And that's the sound of credibility being lost.

That's what all my friends say after they watched "the village"... :(

But it's a great movie! (for me...)

Does someone remember "blob" or something (like a jelly monster)?

That was a scary movie (but i was a kid at the time!), it's funny how those film now are boring and when you were a kid you almost piss in your pants! :lol:

Hey, if you liked it you liked it. I just had it built up in my head and couldn't believe it was set-up the way it was. So I was relegated to goofing on it kill time during it.

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