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Best Horror Movie

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Im gonna say Hide and Seek was pretty good....It wasnt "scary" per say, but it definantly was weird

Amnityville Horror was the scariest ive seen.....I thought it was pretty damn good

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I have to say that the remakes have been fairly decent. Amityville had some nice twists that were different than the original and scared the hell out of the old lady. Only sucks that I had to buy Star Wars tickets since I'd lost my ID.

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I have to say that the remakes have been fairly decent. Amityville had some nice twists that were different than the original and scared the hell out of the old lady. Only sucks that I had to buy Star Wars tickets since I'd lost my ID.

Yah, the only thing that I didnt like about Amnityville was that is was so damn short...Kinda a waste of 7.50....

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Shaun of the Dead :ph34r:  :lol:  j/k

Hell I saw that movie for the first time this weekend.

In a word ... brilliant.

I loved it!

I absolutely loved that movie. The ending was classic. :lol:

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I just finished watching Dawn of the Dead, not the older one, but the one that came out last year. I thought it was neat, the unrated version was nice and bloody, and the ending was a good surprise.

Land of the Dead wasn't as good.

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Shaun of the Dead :ph34r:  :lol:  j/k

Hell I saw that movie for the first time this weekend.

In a word ... brilliant.

I loved it!

I absolutely loved that movie. The ending was classic. :lol:

My sister saw that the summer it came out overseas and kept telling me to see it, so I saw it with Team America. Funniest combo ever.

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I am always a sucker for British comedy anyhow. I love the subtle hints of what is to come ... "you have a little red on your shirt ..."

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"Snakehips. Always surrounded by women; he's a bigamist. Strangled his first wife with a draught excluder. Invented the mobile disco."

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I'll second "Audition." You've simply got to see that movie to believe it. The ending's so absolutely twisted and uncomfortable and impossbile not to squirm to. Get the remastered, uncut version for even more gags.

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