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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Got my MIA Glove (pic and story)

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Australia? :huh: :P

We all know how lazy "Americans" are. What would we call ourselves without the "of America"? United Statesians? United Statesites? Far too much work. ;)

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Australia? :huh:  :P

We all know how lazy "Americans" are. What would we call ourselves without the "of America"? United Statesians? United Statesites? Far too much work. ;)

I'm not one of those rah-rah guys who runs around waving a flag, in fact I make fun of those people, but not many other countries can claim as many advancements over the last 200 years or so. That said, a lot of us are lazy, no dispute about that.

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Would it be ok to have a product called "Made in Canada" yet have it manufactured in some other country without any mention of that location?

No. The rules about registering companies names are pretty the same everywere,

you cant put a name on a product that dont resemble the features of that product (example: cant put a name on a pants for example "Nyloners 8000" and they don't have nylon in them).

However they are made in America (think of an italian glove company that have "Made in Europe" as his name for example).

But i think if there is mentioned on them "made in Canada" there is no problem.

I think the matter is: would the place where gloves have been produced considered as a quality of the product by the consumer (or customer or whatever you call the guy that buy)? (like for example the materials etc..)

Would the name America been confused with USA by the consumer?

I think that the office that let MIA register it's name have already answer this questions.

Anyway i will check USA and CANADA laws on copyrights, and naming of product.

Oh, the gloves are simply amazing, too bad they cost to much for me...

The problem is the continent is North America, not America.

Just like "America's" name is the United States of America.

Yes, that's the full name of this country. How many other countries have the word America in them?

Well, most countries in the world arent as cocky as the United States of America to grab posession of the continent and call it "their own". ;)

In their defence, if anyone has the right to it'd be them.

the united states of america, this name was brought about when the country was still confederate. in this giant mass which was called america, the states were all one nation, an nation of america.

the united states of america.

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I like how this Geeza guy talks about Americans as being cocky, but comes off as an arrogant tit. Kettles, kettles everywhere.

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I like how this Geeza guy talks about Americans as being cocky, but comes off as an arrogant tit. Kettles, kettles everywhere.

I'm an American and I am cocky, what exactly are you going for?

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Being the curious type, I just called the company, and lo and behold one of the family members (I think the father) answered the call. He said he worked for Eagle for 8 yrs before staring MIA. He said they tried Made in North America and it just didn't ring true. He said the name as based on the fact that the goal of their company is to distribute sporting goods MADE IN NORTH AMERICA (ie not elsewhere), both goods they manufacture as well as those made by other companies in North America. On that score, and most interestingly for all of us, he said they plan to come out next year with a MIA branded OPS to made by Adilla in the U.S.

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He said the name as based on the fact that the goal of their company is to distribute sporting goods MADE IN NORTH AMERICA (ie not elsewhere), both goods they manufacture as well as those made by other companies in North America.

Thats exactly how I interpreted it from the Mission Statement on their site.

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I like how this Geeza guy talks about Americans as being cocky, but comes off as an arrogant tit.  Kettles, kettles everywhere.

I'm an American and I am cocky, what exactly are you going for?

Gloves, not semantics about a fucking company's name nor international opinions and/or interpretations of said name.

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I like how this Geeza guy talks about Americans as being cocky, but comes off as an arrogant tit.  Kettles, kettles everywhere.

I'm an American and I am cocky, what exactly are you going for?

Gloves, not semantics about a fucking company's name nor international opinions and/or interpretations of said name.

Me too my friend. Very first reply in this thread by yours truely.

Those look awesome. I'm not a fan of the carbon, do they do all leather?

I just jumped in the semantics melee for fun.

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Bah, now I forget what the hell these gloves looked like now. I like the thought of small children working for their college funds so I'll keep buying gloves from companies to sell to the lowest bidder.

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Sven the fit is good not as tight that in XX but you really feel confy right when you put them on the 1 st time and they are not stiff like if was leather they feel more like nylon.They really are lighter then my xx.Contact them like i said in the post they are really dedicated.

As far as the name goes,i find it stupid to argue on that.So many acronyme out there if it would have been PoW then i would have seen the bad taste.

And for the america thing,i do feel that america mean south,central and north.America doesnt mean its only the US.My 2 cents.

Now stay on the subject of quality and look of the glove since the last MIA subject got hijacked by 3 person about then name in a never ending spining wheel.


ps:Chadd trust me i understand your point of view.

This is the first time in recorded history that French Canadians have claimed to be "Americans".

i will never claim to be americans. but sometime i feel like maybe U.S.A is better than Quebec...

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Well, most countries in the world arent as cocky as the United States of America to grab posession of the continent and call it "their own". ;)

That leads to an interesting question of which came first -- people referring to these continents as the Americas or these states as the United States of America?

i will never claim to be americans. but sometime i feel like maybe U.S.A is better than Quebec...

cobrAA, no place is perfect. There are wonderful aspects to Quebec, just as there are wonderful aspects of the US. And then there are aspects of the US that need improvement.

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From the company website:

"About us

Mission statement

Made In America Sports is devoted to offering high quality sports performance merchandise and related goods. By committing ourselves to a domestic workforce and selecting only the best materials, we aim to foster job creation here at home, while ensuring the excellence of everything we put our name on.

Made in America Sports empowers its all-star employees by creating a collaborative working environment, whereby all team members actively participate in creating a winning product. We strongly adhere to making an impact in the Canadian and American manufacturing scene by treating people as human beings and relentlessly challenging the cruel exploitation of workers, which has become an ever-growing trend."

This implies they actually employ American (whoops, sorry USA) labor.  Wonder if they do, or will...

in that quote they seem to denote a difference between canada and america

Chad wins the argument right there. They do differentiate between "Canadian" and "American." This company is riding on deceptive advertising and I personally think it's wrong.

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And then there are aspects of the US that need improvement.

Many, many aspects but nobody is perfect.

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Nice gloves Havok. I'm thinking of getting some MIA's as well. White main, red double stripe and black single stripe. What do u think of that combo? I might switch the red and black around.

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After we are done with Iraq we will make Canada the 51st state. They are just looking a little ahead.

Yeah, because the whole Iraq thing has been really easy for the United States military... :blink:

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After we are done with Iraq we will make Canada the 51st state.  They are just looking a little ahead.

Yeah, because the whole Iraq thing has been really easy for the United States military... :blink:

I think Iraq spent more on national defense than Canada. I wonder if Canadian Bacon is on tonight.

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WHO CARES? Chadd I understand where your coming from but its like your out to get this company. If you have a problem with the gloves dont buy them. Its just a name.

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WHO CARES? Chadd I understand where your coming from but its like your out to get this company. If you have a problem with the gloves dont buy them. Its just a name.

It's just a matter of principle to me. In many parts of the US there is a strong sentiment to buy american made goods and this branding does not appear to be ethical to me.

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WHO CARES? Chadd I understand where your coming from but its like your out to get this company. If you have a problem with the gloves dont buy them. Its just a name.

It's just a matter of principle to me. In many parts of the US there is a strong sentiment to buy american made goods and this branding does not appear to be ethical to me.

As my uncle says quite often "I make my money in america, I spend my money in america"

He uses the term AMERICA, but he doesn't mean Quebec.

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WHO CARES? Chadd I understand where your coming from but its like your out to get this company. If you have a problem with the gloves dont buy them. Its just a name.

It's just a matter of principle to me. In many parts of the US there is a strong sentiment to buy american made goods and this branding does not appear to be ethical to me.

As my uncle says quite often "I make my money in america, I spend my money in america"

He uses the term AMERICA, but he doesn't mean Quebec.

Sounds well cultured...

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