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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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haha modanos gloves

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dont think this has been posted, but it looks like mikey is MOSTLY back to RBK again, (minus the warrior stick) but did any one notice his gloves? haha there the same old eastons hes worn for years, with the Rbk logo stiched on the cuff. i found it pretty funny, any one have pics? and what happened to him trying to get out of Rbk?

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That clown is a sellout. He probably heard Reebok was pulling his deal and didnt realize the money was going with it. Now he's switching back to feed his dog.

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The only thing I saw him using last night that ws RBK was his helmet. Still has the CCM skates.

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Well we all know he's not much of a businessman, so I guess he's got to keep the money coming in somehow.

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dont think this has been posted, but it looks like mikey is MOSTLY back to RBK again, (minus the warrior stick) but did any one notice his gloves? haha there the same old eastons hes worn for years, with the Rbk logo stiched on the cuff. i found it pretty funny, any one have pics? and what happened to him trying to get out of Rbk?

IT's not the same "old" gloves...they are a new pair...

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So Modano stopped using some of the RBK products he was contractually obligated to wear in favour of the stuff he was used to but then backed down and compromised when they were going to take the money off the table? That is my understanding based on the thread.

The gloves themselves look fine and do just as good a job of selling RBK in the retail market if you ask me. I can't see anything to knock other than Modano seemingly putting one over on the company, unless I have put the pieces together wrong.

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Those are 100% Easton Gloves with the Reebok logo stiched on. Look at the white velcro strap underneath the wrist. Those are the gloves Modano has worn since they came out....I think they were the old Easton 900 gloves or something.

This isn't the 1st time this type of thing has happened.

I think it was 2001-2002 season. Owen Nolan since a big deal to wear Mission stuff when the new Carbster helmet came out.

He was contracted for a head to toe deal. Helmet, gloves, stick, skates, etc.

About a week or so into the deal he wasn't scoring etc....so his old Easton stick was painting as a Mission stick.

About a week after that....he was back to he old CCM helmet, old Easton Gloves and back to Easton skates.

You want confirmation..ask Justin he should know. I think he was with the company then. This info is all from a conversation I had with Craig Johnson when we (I used to work at EA) signed Owen Nolan to the cover of NHL 2001.

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Krog - they are NOT Easton gloves. Trust me.

Nolan's story is correct, and Craig is a member of MSH.

WOW...hmm....they have totally fooled me then.

I would have bet you all that those were his old gloves....and lost LOTS o money!! =)

They look soooo much like thos old Easton 900 gloves with that big ugly white velcro strap....(which looks like those gloves have).

Hah he must have given them his old Easton's and said, "You want me to wear the gloves..? Make them JUST like this!" =)

Sorry for doubting you guys...lol!

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JR (and SRI)- those look IDENTICALLY alike compared to his old eastons. i paused the Tivo and everything, and they are litterally exact. Did Rbk MAKE the glove JUST like the eastons? Im not doubting you that there Rbk's, but there too alike for it to be coincidence..

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im confused... let me get this somewhat straight. there NOT eastons, (although there identical to the old ones), and there NOT Rbk's (which is what the logo is), then what am i missing?!

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They look suspiciously similar to my Snergy 900's. As long as Modano advertises for Reebok I don't think they give a diddley squat what he wears. That Reebok logo is front and center and is going to sell their goods. That's the bottom line.

Just a note to this. I have both the Reebok 8K's and the Snergy 900's and I prefer my Snergys. Just as protective and a better feel. I've always preferred Easton gloves, shinguards and pants, all great feel and protection.

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Modano's glove argument aside, I don't understand how players can use painted over sticks, mismarked gloves, etc..

I understand the intention from the marketing standpoint, but i think it's pretty grimey as far as the consumer is concerned. I don't think it's fair to the uninformed consumer who gets mislead by thinking their favorite players are using such and such equipment so they'll go out and buy the newest stuff.

I was never one to jump on any equipment bandwagons...ie buy stuff b/c its the newest thing, or because so and so player uses it so it must be good. Plus, anyone on this board knows what equipent is what...but i think its unfair to the majority of kids out there who aren't so informed.

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Well look at car dealers putting the wrong trim package on the outside of cars to mislead people? Could be a lot worse, especially since the ones that will be mislead are those that buy simply because "pros are using it."

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I agree, funny b/c i was editing my post as you said that.

Of course there's shady marketing in any market. It just boggles me sometimes how they get away with some stuff...

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Well look at car dealers putting the wrong trim package on the outside of cars to mislead people? Could be a lot worse, especially since the ones that will be mislead are those that buy simply because "pros are using it."

Anyone who buys something solely because a pro uses it deserves to be mislead.

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