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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

New Coyotes jerseys...

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I don't know what it is about the new Coyotes jerseys, but MAN! I just love these things! I don't know what it is (at least, I can't put my fingers on it (at least not without being arrested.... again.... can't come within 500 yards of... well, that's another story).

ANYWAYS, there's just something about this jersey... it's (wishfully) on the tip of my tongue....

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I think it must be a bit nippy out there on the ice.

Is that Nedved's wife? I know she's some kind Czech swimsuit model, I saw her on SI some time ago.

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I think it must be a bit nippy out there on the ice.

Is that Nedved's wife? I know she's some kind Czech swimsuit model, I saw her on SI some time ago.

The pic is Daniella Sarahyba - don't know if that's Nedved's wife or not (but presume that this might be her/them)

I didn't know the Stanley Cup came with one of these:


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You're looking at the wrong Lecavalier. Or maybe not. I like peanut butter & jelly but some people like peanut butter & banana.

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I'm extremely impressed with the quality of some of those "paintings" the detail on the Cubs' lady is amazing :lol:

And I now know what the best job in the world is!!! I should have paid attention in shopclass B)

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Good find Ogie, that's her. I knew it was 'kova or something like that.

I wonder how that hot piece overlooked Nedved's rape history when he was in Vancouver.

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Yeah, strange. Lotsa girls are willing to overlook stuff when there is money involved.

Fer shit yeah. I also think that in general, hockey wives are the hottest. That hockey news issue about despearate housewives of the nhl was ruuuude.

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Good find Ogie, that's her. I knew it was 'kova or something like that.

I wonder how that hot piece overlooked Nedved's rape history when he was in Vancouver.

In czech No means yes and yes means no, so petr was confused.

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