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Heatley's shin guards

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I wear 8k's i absolutley love em, being defence and all i blocked numerous slap shots, felt nothing!

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Heatley's visor has to be the biggest half visor I've ever seen too, so maybe he just has a fetish for big equipment :lol:

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;) I wear the Reebok 8K's as well. Yes their wide but the protection is phenominal. Their a big improvement over the older Jofa 8090's which where also incredible protection. I have the Easton Snergy 900's as well and they are much more streamlined and have better calf protection. Not nearly as heavy duty as the 8K's but still good, light and protect well. Easton has done a good job with these and we'll see how they pan out in the long run. As far as the visor is concerned, good for him. He plays in the big leagues and he's watching out for his eyes and his career. I think you should always advocate protection over lightness or whatever is trendy when it comes to serious hockey.

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Heatley's visor has to be the biggest half visor I've ever seen too, so maybe he just has a fetish for big equipment :lol:

He broke his orbital bone last year, so he wears that visor.

As for his calves, they aren't that big...

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I wear the 9090's, i think there similar to the 8k. Block shots all day long. Just found out how to take the calf protector out and that was the only thing that bothered me. They are ym favorite shin gaurds.

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I once heard Ludwig used to tape parts of phone books to his shin pads to get more surface area.

it's amazing how a legend grows...

if i remember correctly, craig ludwig would take 2 pairs of shin guards cut 1 of them, and add it to the other...

any one rember the old mission zero shingards? they were huge....

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