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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Another Warrior stick...and it looks like 1500 skates...


that looks more like a bauer endure

Nah, definitely not an Endure. You can see the "or" of Warrior near his bottom hand.

They're not using the Dolomite...they're using the high end one.

So they are using painted MackDaddy's to look like a Dolomite? I'm confused :ph34r:

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Savard's gives me a Novius vibe for some reason.

Probably the color.

That has to be the paint job for the "Starskie" model stick, I believe that one is going to be the low end stick. I would assume he is actually using a different model.


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Looks to be using a Warrior stick.

Warrior which is known for their lacrosse equipment, looks to be getting involved in hockey. They are owned by New Balance and also own Innovative.

yes warrior is known for their lax equipment as im a frequent consumer of them for lax but if their hockey gear is as good as there lax gear they're going to be one hullava hockey corporation but warrior is also known for ridiculouis prices so dont expect their stuff to be cheap

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Looks to be using a Warrior stick.

Warrior which is known for their lacrosse equipment, looks to be getting involved in hockey. They are owned by New Balance and also own Innovative.

yes warrior is known for their lax equipment as im a frequent consumer of them for lax but if their hockey gear is as good as there lax gear they're going to be one hullava hockey corporation but warrior is also known for ridiculouis prices so dont expect their stuff to be cheap

most brands already have rediculous prices in hockey.

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Another Warrior stick...and it looks like 1500 skates...


Are you sure they're not Vapor 10s made to look like 1500s? Or are those what they are suposed to look like? We all know about Kovalchuk's Nikes...

That's Savard..

:o My bad. I just saw the jersey, and forgot to look at the name and number :rolleyes:

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Looking at the gloves they seem to remind me of Eagle. A good number of high end products, other companies are up there in price, but don't offer as many models.

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