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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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XBOX 360 Question...

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I was searching for some reviews ect on Xbox 360 and came across a site that claimed that you could get one for free by signing up for different offers and getting points or by referring a certain amount of people. I was very skeptical of this and still am a bit, but came across a few things that made me think it may be possible. There's an article in Wired that talks about this kind of thing http://www.wired.com/news/mac/0,2125,64614...tory_page_prev2

Plus there's a small video clip about free iPods from NBC


I figured what the hell and I signed up at http://www.3604free.com/index.php?ref=207588. Has anyone ever tried a site like that and gotten something for free? I'm still skeptical myself, but I didn't give out any credit card information or anything like that so the risk seems fairly low and the reward could potentially be great.

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I'm glad we cleared that up

LOLLL a bit of sarcasm from you mack lol!!

anyways that true...i heard a lot of people complaining about crash!!!

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oh shit. the last thing i need is that fucking screen creeping into everything that has some frieking pixels on it. "blue60 screen of death..." pretty soon its gonna be "v-cast SCREEEN OF DEATH"... hell my new video ipod likes to fuck itself up even (it likes to turn itself on....)

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Next shipment to EB games is scheduled for Dec. 11, I should be getting mine on that shipment (hopefully depending on how many come to each store) but after finding out that 80% of 360's are crashing and 10% of them aren't even reading the games I'm more tempted to throw it on ebay and make a profit. PS3 release date got bumped to early '07 and now pushed to late '06 and will be backwards compatable all the way to PS1. Microsoft has even come out and said PS3 is a better machine and will have better graphics/games/ the works.

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Got my 360 yesterday!!!! :D Its sweet! The wireless pads OwN! U can turn it on using the control pad!!! Kinda disipointed with Perfect dark tho. The graphix are gr8! The charcters look slightly cartoonie tho ....... Its not like the old one on the N64..... more like Time splitters than anything else....... :(

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I got one a few days ago, and so far I'd say it was worth it, although I wasn't the one who paid for it. The only game I've played is Call of Duty. That game is seriously intense, I feel bad killing people because its so realistic.

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So what TVs are you playing on? I got a 27" Sony Wega and the general consensus is that the games look like the regular Xbox without an HDTV. I'm just wondering if there's any truth to that.

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they are all mostly on recall now because of the crashing. Goodluck to the ones who did get it though.........I have a 37'' HDTV, hopefully i will get it and also get call of duty becasue I love the wat games from WWll and WWl

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Just a heads up for those who may have gotten one recently, be careful when moving it around. I had it on and was fiddling around with a "place" to put it. After tilting it a bit, then returning it to the upright position, my game froze. It froze a few minutes after I was moving it and came out with a huge scratch/ring. After doing some research, don't move it while it is moving. I'll be overly carefuly now with mine and not move it at all, but I think the "horizontal to vertical" flip was what cost me (and the reviews seem to point to it). Just a heads up and to tell others to be careful.

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Just a heads up for those who may have gotten one recently, be careful when moving it around. I had it on and was fiddling around with a "place" to put it. After tilting it a bit, then returning it to the upright position, my game froze. It froze a few minutes after I was moving it and came out with a huge scratch/ring. After doing some research, don't move it while it is moving. I'll be overly carefuly now with mine and not move it at all, but I think the "horizontal to vertical" flip was what cost me (and the reviews seem to point to it). Just a heads up and to tell others to be careful.

Good call. I thought I was the only one who had this problem. The good people at Costco let me exchange the game though. Lesson learned, I'd hate to have to shell out another $60 for a game I'd already bought once.

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