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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Zippper in Pants

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Does anyone have any pics of someone with a zipper or cut pants? I have Tackla 9000 which were fine until I got 8000 shins. Now the bottom of the pants gets caught on the thigh guard of the shins, after I extend my leg. Would zippers on my pants solve this problem? How much trouble am I looking at when installing zippers?...I cant say Im very talanted with a needle and thread.

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I'm sorry but every time I see this topic I think of something else getting caught in a zipper and it's not pleasant.

Back on topic, I would consider removing the flap on the shin pads. It's not like they offer any real protection anyway.

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Does anyone have any pics of someone with a zipper or cut pants? I have Tackla 9000 which were fine until I got 8000 shins. Now the bottom of the pants gets caught on the thigh guard of the shins, after I extend my leg. Would zippers on my pants solve this problem? How much trouble am I looking at when installing zippers?...I cant say Im very talanted with a needle and thread.

I had the exact same thing, with the same equipment happen to me as well. I just took off the thigh tab like Cavs and JR said, works fine now. That thigh tab didn't do anything any way, so it was expendable.

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certain leagues have restrictions against cut pants or undone zipper. referees will give a warning and send you to the bench

Yeah thats a new rule in my league and I haven't skated with them zipped up since maybe Pee Wee. I hate it :angry:

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Ogie are you talking about having zippers put in? I always wondered about that. Also i think skating with zippers undone looks kinda gay. I tryed it undone once and theres no real benafit at all. It also makes you look trashy. That and sagging pants. And it makes you more prone to taking a bad cut there or something. This is just my opinion tho.

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