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New Vapor XXX stick?

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I'm not sure if this has been discussed before but the other day while leaving the arena, I saw some guy with a Vapor XXX in a strange color scheme. It's not like the silver and yellow on the other post, but it had some light blue and white, almost like the 7K pattern. I was wondering if any of you guys know about this stick.

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did it look anything like the XX Max Stick'um format with different colours? I think I saw Cooke holding a stick which looked like a XX Stick'um with white fading to navy/canuck blue, but it might've been a XXX?

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yah, it had a fade from white to blue and the XXX I believe were silver. Does anyone have a pic of Matt Cooke with that stick?

i only got a glimpse of it when i was watching sportsnet and that was when he was skating out of the arena cause someone ripped a puck at his jaw during practice

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Perhaps it is a special-make-up color pattern. NBH is doing this for D1 hockey this season. Some of the product is probably moving into other teams at different levels. Same stick, different colors.

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Really, are they doing their custom curve too.

I believe it is available in stock NBH patterns only. This SMU OPS with the special colors will be available in 2006 booking orders from FLDers.

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did it look anything like the XX Max Stick'um format with different colours? I think I saw Cooke holding a stick which looked like a XX Stick'um with white fading to navy/canuck blue, but it might've been a XXX?

I thought the same thing, but I just saw the footage on the RSN replay and Cooke's stick was the white/black/neon green XXX. The only blue was the grip tape on the end.

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I know that Bauer was going to make a XX max stick'um in that white blue color, but no idea on a XXX.

white and blue? like rbk? hmm but don't they already have a max stick'um XX in black n yellow?

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they do, but our bauer rep was showing us a bunch of different color combos that we were going to be able to order...not sure if it's still going to happen though.

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Apparently our store is going to have some crazy XXX Lite display...30 feet of sticks...

maybe your store will attract the guy in the Warrior ad :lol:

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He used the XXX OPS (white, black and green graphics) in the game against the BJs and the Sat game against the Flames and seitched back to the Synthesis on Monday.

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It looked like Samsonov was using a blue/white bauer during the game last night. And from my seat, it looked to be his older toe pattern. So if anyone sees one around... give me a shout.

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