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online dating tests

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I took this online dating test, (I know how pathetic it sounds) but i just wanted to see what it has to say about my answers, plus i was really bored. anyways, I got a 69%. and I took my time and answered these questions honestly and answered what i thought a girl would really be interested in. Well do you know why i got a 69%? because the answer sheet ..where they give detailed descriptions of the best thing to do, doesnt have the same choices as the test !

I would sit there for 5 minutes deciding what would be best in a situation, and i go find the answer sheet and the words are different by the sentence! not even close. and they expect me not to notice. If your wondering what dating test im talking about, ITS THIS and see for yourself. the main one i was upset about was number 8 and letter C. fill out the test, go to the answer sheet, and read over number 8's choices. nothing the same.

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:lol: not gay, and wtf? feel like I set of a bomb. around here we do talk about girls and i wasnt starting a topic about dating strategies or what ever, i was starting a topic talking about how gay online dating tests are, I think that they are pointless, maybe you guys didnt understand what the topic was aimed at. :rolleyes:

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budy, you went on an online dating test. go find a broad and mack on her, then tell us the results, dustbucket

by the way for 8 i put d, cuz i run show witht he broadskis lol ya right

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I'm taking this damn test. Time to set mode to "ladykill."

Edit: This test is gay. In fact, this test left "Gay" about 3 exits back. I'm disappointed in the lack of "Let's go make the beast with two backs" answers.

Edit the 2nd: I got a 70, my wheels are oval at best. I don't think #10 could be a more stalker-ish question though.

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:lol:  not gay, and wtf? feel like I set of a bomb. around here we do talk about girls and i wasnt starting a topic about dating strategies or what ever, i was starting a topic talking about how gay online dating tests are, I think that they are pointless, maybe you guys didnt understand what the topic was aimed at. :rolleyes:

you know, if i didn't know better, i'd say you're just askin for it from everyone, if you know this stuff is lame, why'd you post it on here? seriously

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because some people around here are serious about these things, and there are plenty of "lame" topics and i was wondering if these stupid tests are taken seriously with people somewhere else but here. If you guys have nothing else to do but make fun of a guy through an online message forum, I have to say that i feel bad for you.

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ya ;) vglod, you must not know why ive posted this topic, so for the THIRD time i posted it because i think that they are pointless, is that clear enough for you? i dont know any easier way to state it just for you <_<

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You posted a topic because you figured an on-line test about how good at picking up girls in real life was pointless? Any advice on why I shouldn't eat yellow snow, Einstein?

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Just because I get tired of reading him tell you, it's Yglod not vglod. You need to take a step back from the keyboard and get out of the house, you come across as nothing but an adolescent fool and you annoy everyone.

I felt sorry for you the first time you caused these guys to open up on you, I don't anymore. In fact I've been debating driving to the Chi' area just to slap you in the face, got any ice time over there?

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Wow, Some people can really get worked up over an online chat forum lmao get a real life. and uh, come on over here to chicago, I got my bois up in he'

This...uh....this coming from the guy who pretended to be some player?

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