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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Jacques Demers

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I'm going to say it's a shady pile of crap to go on not even learning how to read at this time. I guess there really are Forrest Gumps out there. Oh well, at least I know he won't be seeing my posts and sending goons out for me.

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Ya I saw the story on sportscenter.. very interesting. I saw on the Score how they were talking about hockey he was a coach who was more of a movtivater then a system guy I m not sure if that was because he couldn't do the systems or thats just the kind of coach he is.

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like kovy said, in Montreal like every radio station and tv news did talk about it..

i can say WOW for what he did, but on the otherside...come on it is not that hard to learn how to read..THIS SHOW HOW MUCH INTELLIGENT you need to be to play in NHL...i wouldn't be very proud of it...

By the way for all the frenchys here, don't you think jacques demers is maybe the worst hockey commentator...what he say is smart but the way he talk...my 10yr old brother speak better than him..

EDIT: Never knew about the father thing...i understand the trouble here...and living with this IS BIG....but now at the age he is...i think he could try to learn...

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WOw this is Shocking news i am just wondering how he managed to fill out a lineup card before every game . and im sure there are other duties that require reading and writing he was unable to do

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