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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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SL si-core

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Has any one ever heard of the SL si-core, because on the back of my hockey news it says that Brad Richards uses a synergy SL si-core, just curious if any one has ever heard of it??

I'll try do upload pics

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I believe he used to use a Si-Core, so maybe Easton took a Si-Core and put the CNT, or whatever the tech is and painted it?

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Sorry, i didn't feel like making a new topic.

At my LHS, they had what seemed to be updated SL's.

They have the new easton rating system sticker a-la easton One.

Easton lettering on the top of the stick in the blue/red paint.

The stick felt heavier in comparison. Personally the weight felt higher up on the stick.

Hopefully they fixed paint/any durability issues.

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didnt whant to start a new topic about this..but i saw the nes SL GRIP...noe they are marked at 430gram and not 425gr... rating number are now 9.5(perf) and 9 for dura,(if my memory is good) and now it say ''Grip'' not the ''composite grip" and at the bottom there is only a big easton no fancy design..

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it all little detail that they change....i can be wrong(on the design) but all the place i wrote..are difference

like i said they changed some fancy thing...it still look like a SL lol!

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Sorry, i didn't feel like making a new topic.

At my LHS, they had what seemed to be updated SL's.

They have the new easton rating system sticker a-la easton One.

Easton lettering on the top of the stick in the blue/red paint.

The stick felt heavier in comparison. Personally the weight felt higher up on the stick.

Hopefully they fixed paint/any durability issues.

Anyone have any pics of this?

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I was about to make a new topic about the new SLs..

It says EASTON where the blue paint is at teh fade, performance is 9.5, durability 9. EASTON along the sides is also about 1cm wider, just subtle changes. The nameplate is lower too..and there is no flex rating on the nameplate side, its just blank. I also thought it was heavier, and it was cheaper than the old SL's were

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Could you get a pic?

i dont know about you but i wouldnt walk into my local hockey store and start taking picutres unless i was buying the product, and then agian, i wouldnt take the pictures in the store, i would do it at home, thats just me.

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I was about to make a new topic about the new SLs..

It says EASTON where the blue paint is at teh fade, performance is 9.5, durability 9. EASTON along the sides is also about 1cm wider, just subtle changes. The nameplate is lower too..and there is no flex rating on the nameplate side, its just blank. I also thought it was heavier, and it was cheaper than the old SL's were

I saw em today, but the Grip version. IMO, it's a lot more plain than the current SL's and were retailing at $174.99 USD for Senior. Didn't look too bad. Sorry, no pics though

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