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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Well I live in Europe so I'd say I got a pretty good hook-up... B)

It's right the Busch sticks are tanks, but when the feel and shot is subpar (PP) then it doesn't really matter.

First off, Lemiwinks? Nice avatar, dude (nspeen).

P67, I never found the shot of the Busch sticks I used to be subpar. I found them superior over wood sticks, and still find the puck feel light years better than what you get off of, say, a Synnergy. Also, built to last...

But, they are behind technology these days. No engineered kick point, still lighter than a wood stick(but heavier than most OPS (not that I personally put much stock in the weight issue though), and no tapered design (which has been proven to have advantages).

SO, still superior over wood, but quite expensive, and while superior in some ways (over other typical OPS), still not superior in all ways.

What other Busch products (Balance, Gold, Laser, Titanium, Carbone, shaft, blades, etc) have you tried?

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personally, i would not say that a composite stick of any sort is "still superior" to it. While they both have their advantages and disadvantages (we all know them), it all goes down to personal preference. In my opinion, somone could be dead set against a busch stick while another could find it to be the best stick they ever used

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Silverline (their top shaft)

Composite blades (standard)

Balance. Performance out the window, but amazing durabillity.

Laser. Found it to be sorta middle ground, kinda useless, neither good or cheap.

Lightning. very decent. (their best stick, no doubt)

G1. ok stick, nothing fancy execpt the paint job.

Silverline. 315grams pretty standard performance, good durability.

Composite blades. Good feel and weight, to mimick a cereal... They're Great!

Your welcome. ;)

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Euh...Can i know more about their CUSTOM composite blade PLEASE!!!

Website? price?time it took? do you have any pic?



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P67, thanks for the feedback. I've always been a Busch (hockey sticks) fan), so appreciate the insight. I heard the Titaniums were good but haven't even heard of the Lightning, so am hopeful that they're even better (wonder how hard it'd be to get one shipped here to the States - P67 - any interest in trading a Easton Stealth Grip for a new Busch Lightning (if you're right handed)?.

Regardless, guess that's one I can look forward to. Sounds like they're still slightly behind the time though. So, no taper Are they still a bit heavy? Any estimate as to the weight?

CobrAA - there were some Silverline Busch/Graf replacement blades on Ebay not that long ago (being sold by a place in Canada). So, they exist (attached is the photo from the auction that closed quite some time ago - just happened to still have it on my ebay watch list):


The problem is that the patterns offered in the US are limited (and I thought $14 to ship ONE blade was a bit steep) so I didn't throw down with it at the time. Oddly, at the time, Graf Canada still didn't have info out on the Laser and Gold line, so forget about the blades (terrible PR department - Busch will lack North American presence until they pick a distribution partner who has their stuff together).

BUT, I would love to try one of their blades. They were always top notch (maybe too thin, as someone stepped on 2 of mine and broke them, another got stuck in the zam door and broke). BUT, great feel, good durability (better than the ZCarb, IMMO).

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Cobraa: You pretty much have to play pro in Switzerland or Germany... composite molds are way too expensive.

The first company that makes a custom program, whoa they are gonna sell lights out.

Ogie: Left handed, would say weight is around a v110. Actually when I think about it, I would say it's very comparable to a v110 maybe a little better. The Lightning Grp version is pretty cool. (grip's still custom as far as I know, but think they said it would be retail aswell)

The blade depicted on the picture is the one I get custom, all black no color or logos.

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Actually, I knew about the composite goalie sticks (they've had those for a while - although, I have to wonder how heavy they'd be). They also make goal masks, but those were a custom order back when I kept up with them.

Bummer that you're a lefty, as now you have me jones-ing to try out one of the lightning sticks. I wonder how I could contact the main headquarters to inquire about getting one sent to the US? They used to have a plant in Montreal, but per the agreement with Graf, they can't sell the sticks anymore out of there.

But... I'd love a RH Lightning grip with some sort of Shanahan-like toe curve if I could get one.....

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I recall reading something about Sundin trying one of his sticks because they use such a similar curve. If that's the case, it's more RP then YP.

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