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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike blade patterns

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i thought p92 Nasland was bauer but anyways do the have pt3 on a apollo blade.

P92 is Naslund in bauer and PT3 is Naslund in Nike

yes they do have the PT3 in Apollo blade, I'm not sure where you can find one though.. try Hockey Monkey

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Sorry to bring this dead thread back, but what is a Modano pattern in nike? Brindamour, Hejduk, Lecavalier, Legwand, or Lemieux?

None, I have seen PM9 (Hossa) Apollos thought. The Legward is the PT3/P92

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I'll even sell a pat 89 any body know if it comes with a name? great hook small heal hook big blade with a square toe.

what hand and is it a blade or ops?

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