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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Heavy shaft suggestions

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Hi there,

Needing help picking out a "heavy" shaft. My friend doesn't really like the whole light shaft concept and usually plays with his CCM Vector V20. I'm trying to get him something nice for his bday present but not too sure what shaft to pick for him.

Any suggestions?

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if your looking for something new...

pretty much all the newer top end shafts will be in the 300g range

you could find lower end shafts, that weight more.. but durability will be a problem

heaviest new shaft, that is durrable, may be the salming tf10... (tapered)

its in the 350-360g range

your better option may be to go with a standard shaft, and a heavier blade like the sherwood axion blade...

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heaviest new shaft, that is durrable, may be the salming tf10... (tapered)

its in the 350-360g range

your better option may be to go with a standard shaft, and a heavier blade like the sherwood axion blade...

Thanks, Golfpuck. There also is the G10 shaft, which weighs the same as the TF10 but accepts standard blades. I think the G1 platform has slightly better performance and durability than the TF1 platform, although Chadd disagrees with me. :D

I just learned last week that we will be introducing a shaft based on our new TF Evolution OPS, so it should be much lower in weight. However, my understanding is there will be some sacrifice in durability for the increased performance. The TF Evolution has been available in Europe for about four months and the durability has been pretty good, while the G1 and TF1 have been outstanding.

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Howmuch is your TF evolution?

I would really like to try your stuff...but all your stuff is ''kinda heavy'' for me...

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cobrAA, I still won't know what the price will be until I receive them in about two weeks and can determine if there are any unexpected freight costs. My guess is the MSRP will be $194.90.

I know it's all personal preference, but I don't think you should get hung up over the weight of the stick -- we're not talking differences of pounds, but of an ounce or two. I think performance should be more important. One thing that really struck me when I was reading the NHL Preview issue of Ice Hockey World was how many NHLers are still using Synergies rather than Stealths. Those guys can use whatever stick they want, yet so many of them are not concerned with having the lightest stick.

I've seen direct comparisons of our G1 to sticks that weigh 30-50 grams less, and players were getting harder shots with the G1, as well as saying they like the feel. Again, it's all personal preference, but if someone is constantly searching for the lightest stick while not questioning whether the performance has diminished, I think they are doing a disservice to their game.

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Thanks, Golfpuck. There also is the G10 shaft, which weighs the same as the TF10 but accepts standard blades. I think the G1 platform has slightly better performance and durability than the TF1 platform, although Chadd disagrees with me.

I only disagree about the performance of the G compared to the TF. The G is a tank and has worked well for a lot of guys I know.

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i'm the same way in liking heavier shafts. try finding some easton a/g or z-core aluminum shafts. or like said above, old hespeler ones. i dig the pro kick shafts, cheap and made by inno.

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cobrAA, I still won't know what the price will be until I receive them in about two weeks and can determine if there are any unexpected freight costs. My guess is the MSRP will be $194.90.

I know it's all personal preference, but I don't think you should get hung up over the weight of the stick -- we're not talking differences of pounds, but of an ounce or two. I think performance should be more important. One thing that really struck me when I was reading the NHL Preview issue of Ice Hockey World was how many NHLers are still using Synergies rather than Stealths. Those guys can use whatever stick they want, yet so many of them are not concerned with having the lightest stick.

I've seen direct comparisons of our G1 to sticks that weigh 30-50 grams less, and players were getting harder shots with the G1, as well as saying they like the feel. Again, it's all personal preference, but if someone is constantly searching for the lightest stick while not questioning whether the performance has diminished, I think they are doing a disservice to their game.

I'm not looking for the lightest thing...i'm currenctly using a true1 shaft,SL shaft and r2xn10..

Alright, r2xn10 is freakin light but the SL and True1 are just a bit lighter than a UL and stuff like this...

By the way, let get back on the topics!

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I'm not too sure. I think he prefers the weight of the shaft and the lightness of the blade but I'd like to get him something that will give him a good feel for the puck.

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