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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Easton Sticks

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I just saw the new gfx on the SL, and they suck. Instead of all of the ratings and weight where it normally is, it just says EASTON in a plain old white font. There is a sticker at the top of the stick that has the ratings and weight. I only looked at it for like 30 seconds because I had to run.

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Do you generally read your sticks while stickhandling? I can't speak for all but I try not to be looking down when I'm stickhandling, let alone long enough to read something.

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Do you generally read your sticks while stickhandling? I can't speak for all but I try not to be looking down when I'm stickhandling, let alone long enough to read something.

No I dont. I was just basically saying that if you were looking down at the shaft, as if you were looking down when you were stick handling, (which I know is wrong) all that you would see was EASTON.

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Do you generally read your sticks while stickhandling?  I can't speak for all but I try not to be looking down when I'm stickhandling, let alone long enough to read something.

No I dont. I was just basically saying that if you were looking down at the shaft, as if you were looking down when you were stick handling, (which I know is wrong) all that you would see was EASTON.

You know, in case you forgot what kind of stick you paid $200 for...

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Saw the Graphics today ,the sticks look cheaper looking for some reason.

I saw it this evening. I don't think it is a big deal at all. Very subtle, I don't know how some loved last years and hate this years...no biggie

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Except me. I live in Canada. I guess you guys get the sticks first because you are closer to Mexico, huh?

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Yea Jason we get screw for that.I mean we did not even get the synergy2/synthesis yet.And they are for sale at about any web store :(.

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Jason Posted on Nov 17 2005, 10:19 PM

  Except me. I live in Canada. I guess you guys get the sticks first because you are closer to Mexico, huh? 

Didn't Easton move their factory to China or something.

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