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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mask Paint Job

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I just bought an Itech 960 and I need to get it painted. What do you guys think would look cool. Keep in mind that I'm dont playing really competitive hockey so I really don't need it to match any team logo or color. My pads I just ordered are all Black. Let me know what you guys think.

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The goalie who plays for us had an interesting concept; a red patch of hair at the chin and legs wrapping around the sides to the back of the helmet. Did I mention his wife is a redhead?

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Anything like Trevor Kidd's mask would be cool. Its non team commital, its a simple skull on top a nick-name or number ont he chin and various designs on the sides, you cand find a pic if you look, plus you can get it in black white and silver

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Thanks for the ideas guys. I like the skull idea. I might do a ghost skull and a nickname on the chin. I am definately doing the backplate with my family crest...maybe I'll take the saying off of it and put it on the chin and try and have them paint it to look like writing on a tombstone. The saying is "Dread Shame". Which i think is pretty cool.

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Netminder, I see your avatar with a Windsor Spits jersey. Do you play for them?

Not me...way too old to play with all those kids. :P

My wife (MissConduct) and I just picked up some spit jerseys to wear when we play at the TMLfans.ca pick up game in Toronto every year. Kinda show support for the home town....

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Anything like Trevor Kidd's mask would be cool.  Its non team commital, its a simple skull on top a nick-name or number ont he chin and various designs on the sides, you cand find a pic if you look, plus you can get it in black white and silver

JP Masks does Trevor Kidd's masks. He has some pics on his website.

JP Masks Site


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Anyone ever think of painting a bulls eye? I often thought that having somthing to draw attention from the shooter might cause them to aim for a stick or pad.

Example... if you painted the thick part of the stick hot pink, or orange. Would that cause them to shoot for the stick, rather than shoot for an open space? I guess it is the same logic that people use when they tape their stick black -- to hide the puck.

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I'm not a goalie, but I have always thought that it would be sweet to have a golfer hitting a ball on one side, the ball flying over the forehead, and into the hole on the other side of the mask. I'm a golfer, and just thought this would be cool. Something else I have thought of, is painting the mask the colour of your skin, and then painting the cage lines over it.

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1st off copying any pro goalies mask is lame! So is all the typical stuff like Flames, Skulls, etc. Why don't you get something personal that fits you and your personality? Maybe something based around your nickname or your fav interests. Maybe something from your fav movie or what not. Just get something that you can call your own and not another lame rip off of every other mask out there. Mask painting is a form of expression and should be used as such.

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