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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Easton UltraLite Shaft?

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How is it any different aesthetically than the Hex-1? And talk about putting the gay in hockey, at least it isn't Pink like Mission's Z-1

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Well the Hex-1 doesn't have that cheesy-yet-fruity red to it and does the pink Mission really need to be commented on how gay it is?

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I saw this thing in my LHS yesterday, and I'm pretty sure I saw "Composite" or "Comp" somewhere on the shaft. That led me to beleive that it was a redone Ultra Light Comp, you know the crappier platic feeling comp shaft that was around and in the $70 range. I'm not sure if it became the Havoc, or Typhoon, or stayed in the line.

Is this confirmed to be a an Ultra Lite?

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I doubt it's one of the lower-end ones only because it has "Ultra Lite" on it and no other shaft than the UL has that. I can't see an Ultra Lite Comp in existence. I didn't think they could get a worse scheme than the last set of ULs but damn did they crush my hopes.

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I bet the new Ultra Lite coupled with an all black blade would look sweet. It would look like a 1980's hockey stick a la Titan.

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