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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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old Vapor shaft(4,6,8,10)

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my friend had one, it was a tank.

i swear the guy shoots nothing but slappers (fired rockets for him), and plays a fairly gritty game.

eventually it broke on him after he stopped playing juniors and joined a beer league.

btw i'm pretty sure it was a vapor8.

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I had the Vapor 8 several years ago and I really liked it. From what I remember it was like skinnier in the middle of the shaft and then flared out towards the bottom and the top.

Man, seems like a lifetime ago that I used it and knowing me I'd probably think it was terrible now.

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I used a Vapor 8 for a while. It had this stupid sandpaper grip. Weighed 295g. Not bad overall. I was about to buy a Vapor 10 which was a Brad Boyes pro return. The white/black ones looked sick, had wheelbarrow handle. The one just before Triflex came out

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I've been looking for some of the Vapor 10 shafts forever, if anyone seems them around their LHS...long shot...shoot me a PM as I'd be interested in purchasing a few. Thanks

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I've been looking for some of the Vapor 10 shafts forever, if anyone seems them around their LHS...long shot...shoot me a PM as I'd be interested in purchasing a few. Thanks

Go check out (www.icewarehouse.com), they have the Vapor X shafts. As and OPS, I have no idea.

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remember b4 the red silver triflex they had the vapor 10 GI ones lying around? those were sickness

I remember the Vapor 10, the 3030 paint job and an orange one(I think).

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