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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I need to lose 10 pounds

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Don't fall for the fads. It's a simple equation of calories in and calories out. Eat healthy and exercise.

On the eating front, keep in mind your brain is about 10 minutes behind your stomach. So before you go for seconds wait 10 minutes to see if you actually need it or not.

Good luck.

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drink lots of water.

eat more meals, but smaller portions... it gets your metabolism running at a higher rate, and will burn fat at a faster pace. don't be afraid to eat 5-6 times a day, just keep them small. there was an article a while back about iginla and how he lost weight in the off time. he ate all the time, just small portions... he's in the best shape ever.

exercise is a strong choice as well. keep your body working. cardio, light weight hi tempo workouts... you should notice a difference.

good luck!

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I agree fully with prenny, and kovalchuk water actually doesnt burn fat itself, but keeps you hydrated and that metabolism up. And no calories so its a better replacemet when having meals instead of say soda or gatorade and what not.

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eat fresh things. if you eat junk food, a lot of it is saturated fats and stuff like that, and they tend to bog down your metabilism (as well as build up in your body). replacing chips with carrot sticks and twinkies with an apple will help you flush out your body. also, eat smaller dinners, or during times when you know you'll be inactive and don't need much energy.

Edit : eat less salt

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water lowers body fat is what i heard

I'm pretty sure water itself has no effect on fat whatsoever. Have you tried dumping some water on bacon? Does the fat melt? ;)

In any event, I think that if you fill yourself up on water to eat less, sure that can have an effect as you'll eat less, but it's not healthy to do that. However, if you say, cut soda out of your diet and replace it with water, that will do wonders for your caloric intake. Yes, you need calories, but not from soda/sugary drinks.

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dont know for sure why water helps so much, but i had a friend who was going to the army and the entire 2nd half of the year before he left (about 4 months in all) he only drank water, no soda no juice etc and he lost 20 lbs. the water flushes your system out, it also helps on your complexion. i have been told many times not to eat late at night. anyone else here that? i am in the same boat of wanting to lose weight, but i am more like 20-25 lbs, i need to get back in game shape (for college v-ball) anyone have exercise sugestions for this? i dont like going on plain boring runs so what else could i do?

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dont know for sure why water helps so much, but i had a friend who was going to the army and the entire 2nd half of the year before he left (about 4 months in all) he only drank water, no soda no juice etc and he lost 20 lbs. the water flushes your system out, it also helps on your complexion. i have been told many times not to eat late at night. anyone else here that? i am in the same boat of wanting to lose weight, but i am more like 20-25 lbs, i need to get back in game shape (for college v-ball) anyone have exercise sugestions for this? i dont like going on plain boring runs so what else could i do?

He probably lost some weight b/c he cut out the soda, not because water burns fat. It's amazing how much better you can feel if you just drink water instead of flavoured drinks at the dining table.

Water does flush out your system however, and is one of the best detoxifyers on the planet. I'm not sure it'll help your complexion though, it sure isn't helping mine - but that could be because I'm stuck in a polluted and humid dank hole of a country at the moment. However, whether or not it helps your complexion, it sure can't be bad for it.

I've actually read that you should eat something light before bed to keep your metabolism going...something high in protien and low fat. Yogurt and almonds, or a lean chicken breast is good. Just don't hit the doritos before sleeping.

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The only way to really stay fit is to eat properly fad diets don't keep the weight off. I've changed my whole nutrition system over the last couple of months and I'm at the lowest weight I've been since high school. It depends on your body but I have found that I can lose a quick 10 or so pounds by just doing little things and not really changing the way I eat too much.

Try these tips for a week or so and see what happens, this always works for me when I want to trim down a bit before starting a new workout routine.

- Eat 4-5 small meals a day make sure to eat breakfast

- Drink water instead of soda or juice

- Cut out trans fats and high fructose corn syrup - it takes a little searching in stores to do but it's really a big help

- Don't eat after 10:00 PM

- Try to exercise as much as you can even if it's just going for a walk during the day

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Whole Wheat bread and etc helps prevent weight gain. It does something to the fat, I think it pulls fat drop lets out of the small intestine so less is absorbed. Sorry dont remeber specifics but whole wheat is good for you thats for sure.

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Water is a primary metabolic component of weight loss. Lipolysis and etc. require it to allow fat to be converted to energy. Sorry but A&P I and II were over 10 years ago. I'll ask one of the dieticians here at the hospital for some tips.

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Bump... that article on cold water is interesting. I did not know that, but I will be sure to drink as much cold water as I can. 70 calories a day just for drinking cold water is certainly easier than running for an extra 10 minutes. Not that that wouldn't be good for you either.

This makes me wonder if eating all cold food would burn calories as well -- like not heating up leftovers, etc.

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You could try the old school way, run and sweat. Keep your heart rate and body temperature reasonably high. Drink plenty of water and watch your diet.

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I already do that... but like the article says, 70 calories per day adds up, it's like a free 10 minute workout. You'll lose half a pound a month just drinking cold water.

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IF you can, i reccommend swimming very highly, i went to a 2 week hockey camp, food wasnt that great, my hockey improved greatly and i lost a couple of pounds. I guess this was due to losing fat and gaining muscle. I then went on holiday for 2 weeks, i ate to say the least more than my fair share, ice cream steak big fried breakfasts. But i was leisure swimming (not lengths) for a few hours a day. I came home and lost 6 pounds, so it shows you don't have to eat nothing to lose weight, just keep the exercise up and the fat will go. Im sure if i had eaten well i would have lost twice as much!

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I came home and lost 6 pounds, so it shows you don't have to eat nothing to lose weight, just keep the exercise up and the fat will go. Im sure if i had eaten well i would have lost twice as much!

I agree. I know if I diet only it is very hard for me to lose the weight. I have to have regular cardio workouts combined with diet or I will not lose it. I even used to play hockey 3 times a week, combined with Tae Kwon Do 3 times a week. Even then I did not really lose any fat because my diet sucked.

I think I have a low metabolism...

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I can't tell if I'm like Goldilocks, but I've started to realize there is an optimal temperature of water for me. I don't like the flavor of tepid water, whereas I enjoy the taste of ice-cold water.

However, I don't know why --maybe sensitivity in my teeth -- but I find I don't drink as much water when it's ice-cold versus just cold. So, instead of filling my glass half full of ice, I've started filling my glass with about 20% - 25% of ice. I've found I'm drinking more water throughout the day because of it.

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My dad went on a British heart foundation diet, it's proven, and works on a chemical breakdown, designed to lose up to 10 lbs in 3 days, you can do this diest over, but maximum once a week, and must eat normally in between. I know someone else who also did it, they both lost 8 lbs in he 3 days. But you dnt get to eat much, at all...But it works, you have to stick strictly to he diet, othrwse it wont ok, whe im at home will scan the sheet so you can try it if you like

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