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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Whats after the Vapor XXX

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the xxxx... just kiding well i guess they can't just keep adding x's perhaps a new searies to replace the bauer any way i dont think iam making any sense.

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40 = XL

Of course the new marketing campaign will tell you to "go big" :rolleyes:


There's a lot of potential to have fun with a campaign with the XL. "Big Time", "Big Stick", etc...

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I read that in 2007 Bauer and Nike are gonna merge and have like only one line, ex. all the equipment will have both the bauer and nike logo on every piece of equipment, I believe that will also include skates too

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Hockey Business News says Bauer Nikey Hockey, currently with a Bauer, and a Nike line, will now just focus as one brand--NIKE BAUER HOCKEY.

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Hockey Business News says Bauer Nikey Hockey, currently with a Bauer, and a Nike line, will now just focus as one brand--NIKE BAUER HOCKEY.

someone posted the press release a couple weeks ago.

HBN is usually well behind us on most things. ;)

In fact, I had one guy in the industry tell me not to waste my money with a subscription because most of the info was available on MSH well before it could make it to print in HBN.



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someone posted the press release a couple weeks ago.

HBN is usually well behind us on most things.  ;)

In fact, I had one guy in the industry tell me not to waste my money with a subscription because most of the info was available on MSH well before it could make it to print in HBN.

So True!

You guys are good.

That's why I'm hooked on this darn forum again :lol:

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I believe the Vapor skate line will remain the same for 2006. With the release of the One90, I would look for the Supreme line to be the "new" family of skates from NBH in 2006.

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i remember the good days of the industry when a product had a good 3 year run before changes. that and a company only had 3 models. low, mid and high... and the high end product held up!

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Believe it or not, the face of the hockey industry is just like all others: every product moves along with a much shorter life cycle as the R & D outpaces its life. Why wait three years when product reseach finds new innovation within 6 months?

The vendors are way ahead of product design than in the "good old days."

"For the loser now

will be later to win

for the times they are a-changin'."

Bob Dylan

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As long as it's new innovation, not just hype, or a change of color or number change, just for the sake of spurring sales. That's what pisses me off.

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As long as it's new innovation, not just hype, or a change of color or number change, just for the sake of spurring sales. That's what pisses me off.

What?! Nike/Bauer doing this?! No possible way! I call shenanigans!

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As long as it's new innovation, not just hype, or a change of color or number change, just for the sake of spurring sales. That's what pisses me off.

I know what you mean. Things like changing the 15 to 19 and making it look like a XXX.

Its not good for you guys but for the buyer its good cause we get the same skate but for cheaper on closeout.

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