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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK help.

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I really like what Ive been seeing from RBK. I got there helemt and are team got some of there pants. Anyways I was wondering about there sticks. 7K is there best model right? I use a 100 flex iginla stealth, what would be the closest curve/flex to that in RBK. Also any reviews about skates? I tried on my friends, and they seem really comfy, but not as light as my XXX's.

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I like there 6k tapered shafts. The 7k is top of the line. Im not sure what would be closest to iginla, maybe modano or datsyuk? The grips nice on them. I just sold off my synthesis so i could get another 6k. Good stik.

PS, how do u like the helmet? I tryed one on and the only thing i didnt like was the padding that stuck to my hair and yanked it around

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6k tapered shaft is great, but i think they could use a flex between regular and stiff, cuz when you cut the stiff down its really stiff but even when the reg is cut down its still like an 85.

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6k tapered shaft is great, but i think they could use a flex between regular and stiff, cuz when you cut the stiff down its really stiff but even when the reg is cut down its still like an 85.

Regular Flex is equivalent to 95 in easton.

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My friends helmet is falling apart on him...

Really,mine is in prestine condition,but the Tighting Dial in the back broke the first time I used it.

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dont get a 7K stick. Ive gone threw 2 and a guy on my team has gone threw at least 5 and we just started the season.

Not very durable at all.

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My friends helmet is falling apart on him...

Really,mine is in prestine condition,but the Tighting Dial in the back broke the first time I used it.

I've sold close to 50 of these helmets in my store, and not 1 single complant or repair needed. Believe me, if there was a major problem, I would know about it, .. customers have NO PROBLEM bringing stuff back to us for problems. So far, I'm fairly impressed with the helmets. The sticks are holding up, comparable with just about every other brand of stick, not better but certainly equal, except of couse to Easton crap which breaks in the first 30 days.

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My friends helmet is falling apart on him...

Really,mine is in prestine condition,but the Tighting Dial in the back broke the first time I used it.

I've sold close to 50 of these helmets in my store, and not 1 single complant or repair needed. Believe me, if there was a major problem, I would know about it, .. customers have NO PROBLEM bringing stuff back to us for problems. So far, I'm fairly impressed with the helmets. The sticks are holding up, comparable with just about every other brand of stick, not better but certainly equal, except of couse to Easton crap which breaks in the first 30 days.

There are a lot around here that have been Krazy Glued back together. Despite the fact they fell apart in the first week the kids say it's "the best helmet ever". Gotta love hype.

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I just looked at mine and the foam under where the cage J Clips are, is broken in half, on both sides.The EPP Padding is the only thing holding that together,Im extremely pissed about that.

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all about the name man. I do like the inlines and the new ice skate though.

Some of the stuff is nice, no doubt. Every brand has their hyped piece of gear, I'm not trying to single any one brand apart from the rest.

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am i the only person to think that its an ugly helmet?

I think that award goes to the Bauer 8000.

yes, Bauer 8000 is the ugliest helmet. alongside with the Nike Quest.

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cobrAA Posted on Nov 19 2005, 11:54 PM

  is the 6k equivalent to the 7k but in tapered shaft?

It should be but doubt it, according to listin the 7k is 395g's just like the Steatlh (same factory maybe?) and from what I know about the 6k shaft it's heavier than most of the competition in the taper shaft market plus they brake like matchsticks... (Most of LHS's in Europe have had a hard time getting any, since most have been withdrawn by the manufactor)

I like the snake skin on the 5k but besides that it's an average shaft, If I recall Cobraa you have a R2XN10, nice shaft stick with it instead of buying/changing equipment all the time. :P

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I like there 6k tapered shafts. The 7k is top of the line. Im not sure what would be closest to iginla, maybe modano or datsyuk? The grips nice on them. I just sold off my synthesis so i could get another 6k. Good stik.

PS, how do u like the helmet? I tryed one on and the only thing i didnt like was the padding that stuck to my hair and yanked it around

I love it so far.

I dont think I am going to go with one of their sticks, nothing seems close to the iginla curve. But I might have to try out there skates, when I tried on my friends, Ive never had a pair of more comfy skates on my feet. I would just have to switch those damn holders. Anyone ever try out the RBK 8k skates?

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I haven't heard any real complaints about RBK products thus far, but we have had a couple 8k helmets--including our display one--where the composite inserts had come loose.

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cobrAA Posted on Nov 19 2005, 11:54 PM

  is the 6k equivalent to the 7k but in tapered shaft?

It should be but doubt it, according to listin the 7k is 395g's just like the Steatlh (same factory maybe?) and from what I know about the 6k shaft it's heavier than most of the competition in the taper shaft market plus they brake like matchsticks... (Most of LHS's in Europe have had a hard time getting any, since most have been withdrawn by the manufactor)

I like the snake skin on the 5k but besides that it's an average shaft, If I recall Cobraa you have a R2XN10, nice shaft stick with it instead of buying/changing equipment all the time. :P

Yea i do have a r2xn10 but now it is my second stick...i'm getting in love with my SL grip shaft...i tihnk i'M starting to prefer GRIP shaft(and the r2xn10 don't come grip) and the lenght of the rbk ccm are nice because you never need a wood plug!...so i bought a 6k pro stock on ebay but i'm wondering what i will get...i hope it is like the 7k!!!

if not i will be looking for one!

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So what was the consensus on the RBK 8K helmet durability? I'm on the verge of springing for one, but $130 is a pile of coin for a helmet that will only last a month. Maybe I'll settle for the 1052 knowing it will last a couple of years.

Has anyone used the 8k helmet for a couple of months now? Is the protection superior to that of other helmets?

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am i the only person to think that its an ugly helmet?

I think that award goes to the Bauer 8000.

yes, Bauer 8000 is the ugliest helmet. alongside with the Nike Quest.

put some jofa helmets up there too

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