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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How do pro's black out sticks?

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I was just wondering how the pro's black out their sticks. Spray paint comes off easy on sticks so thats why i was wondering

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I found that post. Thats just talking about why people do it.

all i was wondering if the pro's do the same thing with spray paint or special paint?

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Probably spray paint same as us. Or they could order customs and that could be part of the custom addition. I have a SOP from Donald Maclean (family friend) playing with AHL Griftens, the blade is painted black as the rest of the stick is normal wood color.

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I was just wondering how the pro's black out their sticks. Spray paint comes off easy on sticks so thats why i was wondering

It's not like a pro is going to be using the same stick for a couple months. Paint doesn't have to last long for them.

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Whatever's at dollar general or on sale, I mean...it's paint. And all paint smells delicious, especially on a rag put in a plastic bag.

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Whatever's at dollar general or on sale, I mean...it's paint.  And all paint smells delicious, especially on a rag put in a plastic bag.

I had a few friends in high school that used to do "artwork" on plastic. I was never really surprised when the band didn't take off.

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Mr. Sketch got me hooked early. Those damn cherry-smelling red markers. Now that I'm in an office, I tend to hoard Sharpies and get embarrassing mustaches.

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Mr. Sketch got me hooked early. Those damn cherry-smelling red markers. Now that I'm in an office, I tend to hoard Sharpies and get embarrassing mustaches.

Mr. Sketch was good, but I was into the hardcore shit. I would INHALE the hell out of the black Sanford magic markers that has the continuous beige and white rings going down the barrel. By the way, I always thought the green one smelled better- whatewver the hell that "fruit" was supposed to be. Also, remember the brown "cinnamon" ones. Smelled more like piss and sawdust to me.

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