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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2006 hockey products

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Most of the sales meetings just concluded. Most shops will start seeing the new products in the next couple of weeks. The show is earlier this year so hands-on reports will be coming on all of the new stuff in about 6 weeks.

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We got the Easton 06 cataogue on Friday after our manager went to the Easton show which was downtown Toronto. They have some very nice product coming out for 06.

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gahh i gotta see the new easton line up!!! any new stick changes? how bout bauer or mission i know mission has the new bucket commen out. I pretty much cant wait cause then...all the 05 stuff gets dropped

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JR, this might be too much trouble, but maybe we could put up a geocities site with a password? Or a YAHOO club page with access only available to members so only we can see. Just my $.02

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I am not sure yet...I have to figure out a way to make it visible to just members - so many people mooched off of it and we had a crazy amount of hits...

Geocities wouldnt have enough space to run all those catolauges i dont think. Its just as simple to password protect one page off this site and PM passwords to it.

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Yah, but Jr people could just join, look at the catalogs, and then never come back...Maybe only give the PW to people with over 200 posts...?

Yeah, because people would never share it.

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The board should allow Admin to be able to lock certain sections only viewable to certain groups, like "Members". This leads to someone just joining for the 'logs as stated below.

Yah, but Jr people could just join, look at the catalogs, and then never come back...Maybe only give the PW to people with over 200 posts...?

What about those who have just found the boards, or members that read the forum religiously but rarely post? You know, those of us who soak up all the great knowledge here but may not have the experience to yet contribute?

If there is a post limit, I'd imagine the spam rate would then go up as well.

If it's a bandwidth/cost issue, maybe open up a set amount donation option that gains you access into another group other than "Members" (named whatever) which enables you to the secure section of the forum accessible only to that group.

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The board should allow Admin to be able to lock certain sections only viewable to certain groups, like "Members". This leads to someone just joining for the 'logs as stated below.
Yah, but Jr people could just join, look at the catalogs, and then never come back...Maybe only give the PW to people with over 200 posts...?

What about those who have just found the boards, or members that read the forum religiously but rarely post? You know, those of us who soak up all the great knowledge here but may not have the experience to yet contribute?

If there is a post limit, I'd imagine the spam rate would then go up as well.

If it's a bandwidth/cost issue, maybe open up a set amount donation option that gains you access into another group other than "Members" (named whatever) which enables you to the secure section of the forum accessible only to that group.

Those things can be done but there are ways around every potential solution I've come up with so far.

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Cant you have restricted forums and then hand out a password. The only example I can think of is NHL Depot and how they have the Depot Uncensored restricted. That might be for v-bulletin only though.

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Cant you have restricted forums and then hand out a password. The only example I can think of is NHL Depot and how they have the Depot Uncensored restricted. That might be for v-bulletin only though.

If we wanted to pay IBM to develop a system for us like NHL.com I'm sure we could make it work.

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I have the proposed artwork of our 2006 products, but I want to wait until I know these will definitely be the designs before posting pictures

Overall, I think the new look is much more appealing. Although there's one item that I might be too Old School for -- I'd be interested in hearing what the younger crowd thinks.

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I have the proposed artwork of our 2006 products, but I want to wait until I know these will definitely be the designs before posting pictures

Overall, I think the new look is much more appealing. Although there's one item that I might be too Old School for -- I'd be interested in hearing what the younger crowd thinks.

That PDF you sent locked up my one computer. Who created that thing?

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Sweden. :huh:

I haven't had any problems with it. I've sent it out to about ten others, and have been on the phone with some of them while we've looked at the different pages.

I'm not quite sure why it would have locked up your computer.

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