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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton, Bauer, Christian = Bed fellows?

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The mention of the old DET 5500 reminded me of a few questions I had.

Did these 3 companies share "technologies" or models? Particularly in the form of......

- Were Easton Carbon Tips really just made over Bauer DET shafts? Those too, had the convex/concave thing goin on and they both felt like they were made of the same material.

- Did early Easton aluminums have Christian origins? (I read this somewhere)

- Was the Easton Comp 7 shaft ("filament wound" graphite and fiberglass) a renamed early Christian composite shaft?

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If memory serves, Easton has never produced a concave/convex shaft similar to the Bauer and Nike shafts of the mid 90's.

I believe the story with Easton and Christian is that Christian was planning on using Easton to produce their new fangled aluminum shafts way back when and that there was some sort of falling out and Easton wound up producing shafts under their own name.

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If memory serves, Easton has never produced a concave/convex shaft similar to the Bauer and Nike shafts of the mid 90's. 

I believe the story with Easton and Christian is that Christian was planning on using Easton to produce their new fangled aluminum shafts way back when and that there was some sort of falling out and Easton wound up producing shafts under their own name.

Ahh thanks for clearing the last part up for me chippa. However I have to politely disagree as I am 99.9% positive the Easton Carbon Tip was convex/concave.

Might be out of people's memory as it was a "mid-low" end shaft.

Here is a rare pic of it as it's old.


Man I'd love to have one.

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They didn't make a shaft that had both a convex side and a concave side like the Bauer/Nike shafts did. The A/C line had a convex shaft, the A/G line was more of a concave shape, and there was also a convex all aluminum shaft.

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If memory serves, Easton has never produced a concave/convex shaft similar to the Bauer and Nike shafts of the mid 90's.

I believe the story with Easton and Christian is that Christian was planning on using Easton to produce their new fangled aluminum shafts way back when and that there was some sort of falling out and Easton wound up producing shafts under their own name.

The DETs started out with ergo grips, but the shafts Bauer had right before that were traditional shafts. Heavy, but very durable. All I remember is they had "Supreme" on them and yellow triangles along the shaft.

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Easton made the aluminum handles for Christian back in the early 80s, had a falling out and then went their own way.

Ballistik made the DET 5500 for Bauer.

I just got home and dug the old Gratton DET out of the closet.

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Easton also produced the aluminum shafts for Canadien as well. I still have a black 9001 in very nice shape. A classic as it was my first shaft :)

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