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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just saw the Nike Bauer 06 Catalogue at work

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Im loving the Custom Coloured XX's. Do you have to order them through your LHS or through BHN and will your LHS have only a certain number of colours at the store or do you have to order the stick to be able to see it. jbyun04 when will the new stuff be up on the web site/store thanks for the info.

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Im loving the Custom Coloured XX's. Do you have to order them through your LHS or through BHN and will your LHS have only a certain number of colours at the store or do you have to order the stick to be able to see it. jbyun04 when will the new stuff be up on the web site/store thanks for the info.

im' not entirely sure on the whole Custom XX's thing

you probably have to order through your LHS and tell them which colours you want. As for us, I'm thinking we'll have some of the new stuff later this month but it's also not a 100% guarantee that we will get anything in. Last I heard, the rep brought in the XXX Lite stick but I wasn't in that day so I don't really know too much.

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And do you know when The Hockey Shop is getting the RBK 9K skates?

we have the 9k pump and 5k pumps now.

Not sure what sizes but for sure we have them in stock.

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Interesting equipment but i'm not impressed, maybe with the new form fit jersey's that I will understant the way Bauer/Nike is going, but right now, I don't like the new equipment.

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Well I've been lurking this topic for sometime now and thanks to these scans by jbyun04 (big props) I feel a little left out in the cold by Bauer here. I've used Bauer stuff for years and years and I'm not sure this will continue. It seems they are heading more towards flash and style like the NIKE Logo, rather than gear that performs and improves every year. The fact that they are discontinuing the Gagne pattern means that I will have to switch to another stick maker as well. Now I have to spend time and money hording some Gagne blades while they are still available.

Those gloves just look like something from Star Wars!

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those gloves remind me of skeletor for some reason....and as a couple of guys mentioned above, the nike logo seems a lot more prominent than the bauer logo....you seem to see the nike tick first, and then discover its little brother bauer....

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It's just a logo, you'll hardly focus on the logo during a game ;)

The sticks seem really interesting, I'd like to give them a shot (get it - SHOT - haha... yeah, I'll shut up now...)

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It's a zip. The files inside open with whatever image viewer you have on your comp.

I cant fiqure how to open it up,All I have for images is Kodak Imaging.And whenever i try to open it I cant

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It's just a logo, you'll hardly focus on the logo during a game ;)

The sticks seem really interesting, I'd like to give them a shot (get it - SHOT - haha... yeah, I'll shut up now...)

ur probably right but im just picky lol

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I dont think anybody has asked this yet, but what is the pricing on a custom colored XX? Is there a minimum purchase?

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I cant fiqure how to open it up,All I have for images is Kodak Imaging.And whenever i try to open it I cant

You have to unzip the file first. You need WinZip to unzip the file, which contains the 20 jpeg images of the 2006 Nike Bauer hockey equipment.

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I dont like the look of the new gloves. I'd like to try the vapor line of pants. The pants look similar to the supreme line of pants.

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