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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just saw the Nike Bauer 06 Catalogue at work

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imo most of that stuff looks dirt ugly... for example the nbh one glove in my opinion is damn hideous...

but really it's all about fit and performance right? :)

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imo most of that stuff looks dirt ugly... for example the nbh one glove in my opinion is damn hideous...

but really it's all about fit and performance right? :)

No, it's all about having cooler gear than the other guys. The gloves do look bad, and I've never been a fan of pants with ridges in the thigh pads.

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Interesting stuff. The gloves though...damn. They look like old lady hands or something. Or kinda like in movies when they animate a person wasting away from young to old and you can see their bones start to show then they just turn to a skeleton.

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Interesting stuff. The gloves though...damn. They look like old lady hands or something. Or kinda like in movies when they animate a person wasting away from young to old and you can see their bones start to show then they just turn to a skeleton.

LOL thats a nice way of puttin it

yeah, well if the gloves are super nice then I guess that wouldn't make it half as bad for me

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thanks for scanning :D

I'm loving the 0ne90, i just hope it fits my foot, but jesus those 90 series gloves are terrible looking, but i'll hold back my opinion until i try them on. <_<

Pants don't look bad either.

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Pardon my stupidity, but I thought the whole thing about One90s is that they were 100% foot moldable, meaning, they should conform (through whatever manufacturing/heat baking process they use) to just about everyone's foot.


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Pardon my stupidity, but I thought the whole thing about One90s is that they were 100% foot moldable, meaning, they should conform (through whatever manufacturing/heat baking process they use) to just about everyone's foot.


Just a guess but I don't think that's how it will work. I'm thinking more of an extension of the CCM FIT machine than variable sizing.

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but jesus those 90 series gloves are terrible looking

They kinda have a "Skeletor" look to me....lol.

"Now that finally I have my gloves...50/50 season here I come!"skeletor08.jpg

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but jesus those 90 series gloves are terrible looking

They kinda have a "Skeletor" look to me....lol.

"Now that finally I have my gloves...50/50 season here I come!"skeletor08.jpg


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Why can't company's just make a traditional glvoe like the HG1 or Easton customs and just continue to improve it each year? These don't even look like hockey gloves now.

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Why can't company's just make a traditional glvoe like the HG1 or Easton customs and just continue to improve it each year? These don't even look like hockey gloves now.

I agree 110%.

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I heard that the vapor xxx skates are not very durable and are just falling appart. Also that the bauer 8000 and 8060 skates are the most durable skates on the market these days is this true?

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Why can't company's just make a traditional glvoe like the HG1 or Easton customs and just continue to improve it each year? These don't even look like hockey gloves now.

They look much better in person thought. I actually like the look of them, but in that pic, they look a bit weird.

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I heard that the vapor xxx skates are not very durable and are just falling appart. Also that the bauer 8000 and 8060 skates are the most durable skates on the market these days is this true?

i have the 8000 and they are pretty good but what are the 8060, or did you mean 8090.

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