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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just saw the Nike Bauer 06 Catalogue at work

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Wont let me dl the file, I mainly just want to see a pic of the new holders, can someone send me a pic of them? Thanks.

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those skates are AMAZING

but i think they took the whole "skeleton/human" influence too far wit the gloves

lookes like the mr. skeleton's hand from my bio class

and wtf is that massive lacebite gaurd????

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eww, whats up with the glove? It looks like someone burned some spots on them. I love the xx Lite, i picked it up today in my lhs and felt VERY nice. My stealth duraboility sucks nd is about to shatter at the blade and if pretty shoret so maybe a new stick......

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Skates look alot better in the catalog. The bauer vaporXXX pants are basicly the bauer 8000 pants. I own the 8000's and they are the identical material and design. No zipper still, thats my one complaint about the 8000 pant. But I found sombody to put a zipper in locally.


Here is a picture of my 8000 pant.

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I plan on buying all new oneXX equipment ass soon as it's available so i can have the new logo on everything. Then in '07 when they drop Bauer altogether I can buy all new stuff!


Who is dropping Bauer???????????????????? :angry:

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Just a joke.......but I think that at some point nike and bauer will officially be one and the same.....and have only one name.

(this post made by someone who does not own a shop, knows no reps, and is to quote someone from the pro flex thread "talking out of his ass")


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*Flexlite 12 is no longer in the lineup*

Has this been confirmed by NBH? Why would they keep the Flexlite 8 and 10 but not the 12?

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