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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ebay Coupons

Recommended Posts

Enter these at the Paypal checkout.

10% off any purchase:(up to $25) Redemption code: C1-Holiday2005

$5 off over a $50 purchase: Redemption code: C2-Holiday2005

$15 off over $100 purchase: Redemption code: C3-Holiday2005

These expire on the 30th, so hurry!

Buy my stuff on the sell section!

Enjoy and happy holidays!

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Thanks for the coupon Dave! I just used it on a purchase.. too bad I made another purchase just before I discovered the thread.. :(

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Those coupons have expired but here is one good until 12/18:

Use code C11-GIFTGUIDE to get 10% off your entire purchase using PayPal.

I used it on a $60.00 item so I know it works past the $25 max placed on the recently expired 10% off code. I am not sure of the max though.

Have fun on eBay and always make sure to tip your sellers :P

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That's nuts. If I hadn't overestimated people's intelligence I'd have bought all I could when I picked my brother's up. There was a site I saw that showed an auction where someone paid $600+ for the box, obvioulsy unknowingly.

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Look at one of his feedback:

Great E-bayer, fast pay!!!......Pleasure doing business with you!

Seller j_eg ( 493) Oct-21-03 16:35 2348745314

Reply by hathcoast23: I RIPPED THIS GUY OFF AND HE DOESNT EVEN KNOW IT HAHAHAHA!!!!!! Oct-29-03 11:30

I would recommend watching out for guys like theses.

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Didnt wanna start a new topic so i thought id put it here...

How do you guys get those Ebay coupons?


They send them periodically to members who have eBay and/or PayPal accounts.

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seriously i'm thinking about doing this thing...damn people are stupid!

My friends saw a xbox360 !!!BOX!!! going for 800!

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