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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Vector

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I saw an add in a hockey newspaper and this was in it. I have no pictures but it is silver at the very top(where you tape your knob) then fades to navy blue or black and then the middle of the shaft is orange, then back down to blue/black to silver again.

(THE ADD FROM THE PAPER)(The V10.0,it's feather-light construction coupled with an enlarged sweetspot Make it the weapon of choice for more and more of the world's top players. Line up the Target, Pull The trigger and Bam! There's a puck in the back of the net.)

has anybody seen these or felt them/used them? curious about it

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CCM is replacing shaft, blades, OPS, Vector skates, protective, and even the old 652/HT2 helmet is now gone. The 652 helmet now looks like the current 852/1052

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Well then there ya go! Thanks for the explanation Graz.

So now there will be a stick higher up than the V130. Damn. Hard to imagine they are doing something like that.

Makes one wonder...what will be the point where sticks are too light, and become too fragile to use. They seem to be a the mid 300s now, and that's pretty darn light. Not too mention they are at the $200 dollar range as well...perhaps a $300 OPS?

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There's a stick by a sub-named brand at Cylcone taylor (can't remember the maker on the top of my head, but it's been covered on the board before) that claims a 100% taper.

But agree, as they get lighter and skinnier, baring some new super composite formula (perhaps made out of Kryptonite or moonrock?), they're just bound to break more easily.

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The Vector logo has been changed as well.

I prefer the new Vector logo to the old one. The shrinking wordmark thing was getting dated.

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JR Boucicaut Posted on Nov 29 2005, 12:31 PM

  The Vector logo has been changed as well. 

Is it just me or that new logo looks very much like the old Vic logo...

Just saw the new Vector skate/stick/goal line up today. The top of the skate is like baby blue on the V-10.0, mixed with orange and silver. It looked weird a bit.

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Where are you seening all of this Vector Stuff. No one has told me anything about this not even the guys in my shop. Wow I would really like to see the new sticks and skates anyways. Looks like this year is going to be a good year at my proshop well at least from me. I need a new pair of skates again <_< .

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I saw it in a Hockey Now newspaper (I think its only a British Columbia paper)

It looks pretty sweet...quite a few colours for one stick, i have to admit

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I saw it in a Hockey Now newspaper (I think its only a British Columbia paper)

It looks pretty sweet...quite a few colours for one stick, i have to admit

oh no...have they gone warrior on us?

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pics fo the stick?

There has been a couple of pics of the stick on here. Maybe if you go to the CCM website you will probably see it, it showed up a couple of times when I was browsing on there.

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It was there for a sure a couple of days ago, and someone posted a magazine page a couple of days ago with a players signature and a pic of the stick at the bottom I don't remember if it was the new stick though. It may have been the V120C.

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It was there for a sure a couple of days ago, and someone posted a magazine page a couple of days ago with a players signature and a pic of the stick at the bottom I don't remember if it was the new stick though. It may have been the V120C.

It was the new Vector V10.0 Stick not the V120C.

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