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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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For all you C's, A'a, Refs and loudmouths

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Just wondering what your best lines or response's to a Ref's 50/50 call/Bad call, and what you say to try to influence there decisions during a game? Lines that have been used personally and the response you recieved from the Ref would be great! :lol:

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No matter how hard you chirp them, or what you say, they aren't going to change their mind with a player talking to them. Maybe the other ref, but not you. Don't bother, you'll just take penalties

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Don't say anything. Nothing at all.

Maybe, early in the game, joke around with the linesman before he drops the puck or something along those lines.

Also, when you speak with the refs before the game just outside their circle, be very respectful and courteous...

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Don't say anything. Nothing at all.

Maybe, early in the game, joke around with the linesman before he drops the puck or something along those lines.

Also, when you speak with the refs before the game just outside their circle, be very respectful and courteous...

well said

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Sounds like you guys have good refs then! In my league refs are often influenced, and it sucks! I just want to be on the right side more often!

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While reffing I was in front of the bench and the coach tells me that I suck. My response? "No kidding, the real question is do I spit or swallow?"

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I was strangely made captain on my spring team and one game my team was losing and the ref was being a total ass and i went nuts on him while i was in the box and then he called the game better. I feal like a dick now though but i guess it worked. I guess some refs just crack ,i know i did and thats why i gave up reffing ,id get critisized from the bench and id just feal like shit.

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There is a ref that always seems to draw our games when I'd play at a certain rink out of town. Word on the street was he was dealing drugs on the side and had a lot of people pissed off at him. One day during some dead ice in the afternoon when he was driving the zam there was a drive by at the rink. Fortunately nobody was hit. A few weeks later he was reffing one of our games and made a few shitty calls. Being the all around nice guy that I am I told him before a face off something along the lines of "from what I hear, I'm not the only one who is upset with your job performance lately." Suprisingly he laughed and told me I was sick.

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