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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Response Plus

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I love mine, but half of it is because of the flex. The SW is amazing. That aside, it has really good feel to it and nice action & consistency on all shots. The reason I didn't review it is because it's a pro model.

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I have one other than the ballance point its almost exactly the same as the 03 response. other tham the paint job ;)

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How are you liking the softgrip Lego? After you have removed all of Morris' white goop he puts on his shafts.

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I haven't even gotten a chance to use that yet. I've held it and it seems pretty nice though. If you want a little grip and don't want all that crap on the shaft, it's a good way to go. I'll let you know when I get a chance with it on the ice.

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This is the best OPS i have tried. I have tried the Synergy, Synergy Grip, Si-core, and Mission M-1 and by far the Response Plus is the best. The blade is really stiff i have used it for about two weeks now and i have to say that it has held up great. There is no wear on the blade right now. The only reget is that it doesnt have any grip but none the less it has great feel and a great flex.

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