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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New MiA Glove Pics

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Agreed with above^^.

1) who else offers fully custom gloves (down to the material of the palms)

2) Do you really think that MIA is going to be able to compete with the bigboys that make the gloves you sell?? I doubt it.. how many posts a week are "whats mia's website" and "how much do they cost?!".. People who shell out that kind of scratch for gloves usually know what they are buying and obviously.. you dont have it in your shop or they would have gotten it there.

Its all about supply and demand. I went in yesterday to my lhs with full intent on walking out of there with either a Zbubble, ultralite or XN10 shaft.. they had all three but were COMPLETELY out of any senior comp blade.. not even a bauer V.. When shops dont carry what the customer wants, I HAVE to take my business elsewhere. Whether it be another LHS or some assholes online making a buck off of what you cant supply.

Dont get me wrong.. I fully support my LHS.. but I can only go so far as their stock. If they cant keep up with what I want as a customer, I have to go elsewhere.

The problem with that is some of the manufacturers aren't supplying the LHS as quickly as they do the larger chains and online stores. You put in an order in December or January and are promised March delivery. March rolls around and it's now available online but you don't get the product until May, June or never in some cases. I understand having to buy online when shops don't have the inventory but this is the worst time of year to be looking for a product.

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That's the truth. For example, I get customers in every day looking for Easton Z-Carbon blades. There is not a retailer in this area that has any. Come back in May.

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That's the truth. For example, I get customers in every day looking for Easton Z-Carbon blades. There is not a retailer in this area that has any. Come back in May.

That was exactly my problem yesterday.. The only thing close he had was a left ultralite blade. I asked him if he was going to get any stock in and he said that he was waiting for his mission/itech and really before then, hes not going to get anything because most people are waiting for the 07 gear to arrive.

Chadd: I never thought of it that way.. you make a good point. This is why I support the small companies like Harrow (Christian).. Good warrenties, in store rma's and I know a few guys who broke their sticks after the warrenty and they STILL replaced them.

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That's the truth.  For example, I get customers in every day looking for Easton Z-Carbon blades.  There is not a retailer in this area that has any.  Come back in May.

That was exactly my problem yesterday.. The only thing close he had was a left ultralite blade. I asked him if he was going to get any stock in and he said that he was waiting for his mission/itech and really before then, hes not going to get anything because most people are waiting for the 07 gear to arrive.

Chadd: I never thought of it that way.. you make a good point. This is why I support the small companies like Harrow (Christian).. Good warrenties, in store rma's and I know a few guys who broke their sticks after the warrenty and they STILL replaced them.

Funny you mention them, I played against a guy last night who was using a Christian I sold him almost a year ago. I asked him how it was working out for him and he said, "I'm never buying another Easton." I think that means he liked it.

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Im sold on them too (im using a harrow v3 right now).. I just wish they made a light(er) shaft.. 350g is a lot for somebody whos looking for a lightweight shaft.

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Honestly, do you really think you're going to make a difference?

We're gonna do our best. Scumbags like these guys don't deserve to be in business.

Good luck with that. As long as guys like Hossa are wearing their stuff, I think your efforts will be in vain.

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I don't give a shit where they're made, they're fugly as hell. If I made a glove that ugly, I'd say it was made in some other country too. Isn't that the French way though? To kind of grease on out of controversial situations?


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