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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton steel and holder replacing Tuck

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Big trend in Europe, same fit, thanks to gready Nike Bauer, same fit and no problem to go for the Easton, any more comments on this?

In my store price is half for Easton, Bauer Nike needs to make bad sttel to sell, but do we care?

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In the US people throw away their Easton holders because they break. I have never seen an Easton holder on any other brand of skate. It sounds more like people are getting into them you're pushing the product.

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Chadd seems to think it is when compared to the other offerings available.

I've also heard that the feel of the holder is comperable to that of Tuuk Custom +'s, and with the Pitch and better steel, sounds like the replacement for my E-Pro's when I have the cash.

Oh, and btw, do Mission's have 11-foot radii and CCM have 10ft? Would I notice a difference in either speed or turning by changing?

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PITCH's a great holder.  Been skating on it for what, 3 years now?

can you get perforated blades with pitch holders?

No, but you don't really save that much weight with perforated steel anyways.

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PITCH's a great holder.  Been skating on it for what, 3 years now?

can you get perforated blades with pitch holders?

No, but you don't really save that much weight with perforated steel anyways.

I actually respect them for not doing it.

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PITCH's a great holder.  Been skating on it for what, 3 years now?

can you get perforated blades with pitch holders?

No, but you don't really save that much weight with perforated steel anyways.

I actually respect them for not doing it.

I think it looks cool, that's all. Except that the Tuuk perforated blades are more fragile... I'd at least like to have had something to make the holders look spiffy. But heck, it's a holder, it's gotta perform.

(Wish I could get black ones! :D)

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If you buy skates because of how "cool" the steel looks, you deserve to have it break.

Haha. I don't know... I mean, I wouldn't buy a skate if it looked like ass personally, though, I did have Pure Fly's and those were kinda bad looking...

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Do you need any extra hardware for the PITCH holders to adjust the pitch?

Just the tool that they give you.

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