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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Got my 9ks today

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im ordering my 9k's tonight cant wait to get them

Then you must really love your Grafs. You've had them all of what? a couple weeks?

my rbk rep gave my dad a lil card that has a code for a free pair or rbk 9k skates

Another point goes sailing over your head.

not my fault i was given a pair,only thing is I have to e-mail them 3weeks later with what I thought of the skate

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Well I wanted to wait to post, After waiting the 24 hours to use the pump. So I was gonna post but I have been studying for finals and I finaly got arround to it. Well This is the best feeling boot I have been in, very responsive. These boots had the perfect amount of stiffness in them. I am shakey in using the E holder again as I had black Custom+ on my Vectors. The boot itself is very nice. Took a few shots in them didnt feel a thing. The pump is a great feature. My skates were loose in my ankle before 1 of my shifts, I pumped them and felt better. I tie my skates tight and dont use the pump a lot before the game and as they get loose I use the pump. Well after using these skates for 2 games 3 practices, These are my favortie skates so far. I hope RBK will innovate this skate as the years go by.

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hi, thanks for the review.

Does the pump loose its inflation a bit after some skating? how many times u have to pump your skates in a game for example?

How does it compare to your Vectors? :)

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No it dosent seem to loose inflation as i skate. If they are loose during a game i pump them maybe 5 times I realy dont know I just do it till my ankles aret so loose. My friend who has the 5ks does the same thing as me and dosent have a problem. Compared to the vectors they are a lot better. I like them 500 times more than my vectors.

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No it dosent seem to loose inflation as i skate. If they are loose during a game i pump them maybe 5 times I realy dont know I just do it till my ankles aret so loose. My friend who has the 5ks does the same thing as me and dosent have a problem. Compared to the vectors they are a lot better. I like them 500 times more than my vectors.

May I know what is the RBK better then your Vector?? boot shape? Padding inside the boot? anything other than the Pump?

Let's say will u take your 9k without pump over Vector?

BTW, interesting to know your comparison of your 9K with your friend's 5K.


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Ive got the 5ks myself.....

Out of the box, most comfortable skate Ive ever worn, I baked em, but probably coulda got away without doing it.....the first time I wore em they felt great, pumped em up

Even the break in in process was money, it was not hard at all, the pump makes the ankle fit great, Ive worn a pair of Bauers and CCM my whole career, and nothing has fit to my foot like this skate. I skate with a real wide stance, and the pump and construction of this skate offer the best support and response Ive ever had in my ankles. I know the 9ks are obviously supposed to be better, but I tried both on, and personally I liked the 5ks way better, as obvious by my choice....so if your looking for a great pair of skates and saving a lil money on em, the 5ks are deffinately the way to go. The combination of the wax laces, the lace lock feature, and the pump are the perfect setup.

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May I know what is the RBK better then your Vector?? boot shape? Padding inside the boot? anything other than the Pump?

Let's say will u take your 9k without pump over Vector?

BTW, interesting to know your comparison of your 9K with your friend's 5K.


Well I like the boot a lot more than the vectors not that its the shape its the Overall stiffness and feeling of the boot. Dont get me wrong I like my vectors a lot but I like these skates a lot more. The padding Is nice and comfy. If they didnt have the pump a.k.a 8ks I would still wear them over my vectors.

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Intresting to hear what you would chose, the day your pumps blow out, Vector Pro's all the way PP.

The funny thing is the pumps dont really do much at all.The skates are still very comfy without using the pump.I think they are lighter than the VPros too. The look is also nicer than the VPros

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Just a question for sizing, i may be able to get a hold of a demo pair in the coming weeks . I wear a size 11D Bauer Skate. What size RbK would i need?

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Are the 8k and 9k the same weight? How are they compared to xxx's? I know you said the 9ks were around the 800 gram range, how much do xx's way? Anyone got the exact weight?

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Just a question for sizing, i may be able to get a hold of a demo pair in the coming weeks . I wear a size 11D Bauer Skate. What size RbK would i need?

I wear a size 11 Nike sneaker and fit into a 9D(With toes barely touching the cap.) in CCM/RBK.I got 9.5D for mine just becuase I want my Synergys to be dead before i get rid of them and then by that time I be ready to fit in the RBK snug. Im probably going to use the pumps next week and will have a little review on them.

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Just a question for sizing, i may be able to get a hold of a demo pair in the coming weeks . I wear a size 11D Bauer Skate. What size RbK would i need?

I wear a size 11 Nike sneaker and fit into a 9D(With toes barely touching the cap.) in CCM/RBK.I got 9.5D for mine just becuase I want my Synergys to be dead before i get rid of them and then by that time I be ready to fit in the RBK snug. Im probably going to use the pumps next week and will have a little review on them.

I wear 10.5 sneaker/10 Dress shoes, but wear 7.5E ccm/rbk & 8EE Bauer skates.

Anyway, I guess 1/2 size down from Bauer will be pretty safe, providing that your current skate is fit. so, 10.5D.

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Well I got my 5k Pumps today. I got them heat fit and what not and they feel great. The pump is definately worth it imo. My parents won't let me use them until Christmas though :(

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Well I got my 5k Pumps today. I got them heat fit and what not and they feel great. The pump is definately worth it imo. My parents won't let me use them until Christmas though :(

Hey your lucky that your parents buy you hockey stuff for X-mas. I wish my parents would.

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Well I got my 5k Pumps today. I got them heat fit and what not and they feel great. The pump is definately worth it imo. My parents won't let me use them until Christmas though :(

Good for you!!!

I just have a chacne to TRY them yesterday (no $$ now) and found that the 5K is really Stiff!! considering its price point.

Hopefully by the time the Pump 7K come out, I'll be able to grab a pair.

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Well I got my 5k Pumps today.  I got them heat fit and what not and they feel great.  The pump is definately worth it imo.  My parents won't let me use them until Christmas though  :(

Hey your lucky that your parents buy you hockey stuff for X-mas. I wish my parents would.

I'm getting a full new regiment of protective gear except skates, and a helmet... Just convenient, because I was up for a size change...

(Sorry to rub it in.)

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Well I got my 5k Pumps today.  I got them heat fit and what not and they feel great.  The pump is definately worth it imo.  My parents won't let me use them until Christmas though  :(

Hey your lucky that your parents buy you hockey stuff for X-mas. I wish my parents would.

I'm getting a full new regiment of protective gear except skates, and a helmet... Just convenient, because I was up for a size change...

(Sorry to rub it in.)

I got all new RBK gear for my birthday last year,except skates/stick(already had one).

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im getting a brand new cup :lol:

I think ill be eyeing a set of stealth shoulder pads as soon as theyre out, and i would go for a pair of 9k's, but the one90 will be out by the next time i need skates. I hate being a slave to fashion :(

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