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NBC Poll

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I understand the figure skating as that is one of the most popular winter Olympic events. But who really wants to watch cross-country skiing or curling.

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41,000 votes for Curling? are there even 41,000 people who play curling?

I hear curling is popular as bowling in Canada but in the US market, this would not play out.

In all truth, US market just wants to see the US people win. That's what they will air to make the ratings.

I just want to see the Hockey and the figure skating (females only) for the tight butts.

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I understand the figure skating as that is one of the most popular winter Olympic events. But who really wants to watch cross-country skiing or curling.

Apparently alot of people dig curling since its in the lead by a huge amount.

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Wow. I thought the core of people interested in curling would not even know what an online poll is. My big picture is destroyed for good. :rolleyes:

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I kinda like curling,too. And snowboarding has 1 (that's ONE) vote as of 7:20 PM EST. Something tells me that even if it got 0 we'd still be inundated with hours of "rad", "gnarly", and "Xtreme" coverage. And that something is marketing.

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Actually Curling isn't all that bad. If you like pool or shuffleboard, you'd probably like Curling.


You can drink beer (while you play....) and yell at people (no matter how well your playing) What's not to like.

Our office has a Bonspeil (sp?) every year.

Gotta love a Double take out raise to the button.

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Actually Curling isn't all that bad.  If you like pool or shuffleboard, you'd probably like Curling. 


You can drink beer (while you play....) and yell at people (no matter how well your playing) What's not to like.

A guy I play hockey with said much the same thing, although he said "151 rum" instead of "beer". :D

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41,000 votes for Curling? are there even 41,000 people who play curling?

I hear curling is popular as bowling in Canada but in the US market, this would not play out.

Whoa, don't blame the curling votes on Canada! Trust me, we want to see hockey first and foremost! Nice to see hockey jumping up the rankings, missing first place by one percent now!!! Let's vote people!

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Did anyone bother to look at where that link goes? That poll is being conducted by WNBC, not NBC. Big difference.

WNBC is simply the New York area local NBC affiliate (channel 4.)

This poll is not being conducted by NBC and probably has very little or no influence on coverage choices.

Sorry to be Captain Buzzkill...

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