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Warrior Lies on Sticks

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Does any body know any of the lies on the Warrior curve patterns, manley the Federov. Im going to order one for X-Mas and would like to know what the lie is.

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I am pretty sure they are the same as the Inno's! Though I have never used a Federov Warrior. The Inno Federov is listed as a 4.5 on MSH and 5 on E-puck! Personaly I find it slightly lower than a 5!

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WARRIOR's..........is the same as.........EASTON's




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I am pretty sure they are the same as the Inno's! Though I have never used a Federov Warrior. The Inno Federov is listed as a 4.5 on MSH and 5 on E-puck! Personaly I find it slightly lower than a 5!

The Inno Fedorov I used was lower than a 5, hence the 4.5 rating. It may actually be closer to 4.75 but it's hard to say exactly.

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Does any body know any of the lies on the Warrior curve patterns, manley the Federov. Im going to order one for X-Mas and would like to know what the lie is.

According to the Warrior Hockey catalog, Lie 4 for Fedorov.

Fedorov Jr. = Lie 3

Draper Jr., Fedorov = Lie 4

Weight = Lie 4.5

Draper, Jovanovski, Kovalev, Robitaille = Lie 5

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Did they give the McCarty a new name or is it not available anymore?

Edit: It was a lie 5 so maybe it is the Robitaille now?

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Does any body know any of the lies on the Warrior curve patterns, manley the Federov. Im going to order one for X-Mas and would like to know what the lie is.

According to the Warrior Hockey catalog, Lie 4 for Fedorov.

Fedorov Jr. = Lie 3

Draper Jr., Fedorov = Lie 4

Weight = Lie 4.5

Draper, Jovanovski, Kovalev, Robitaille = Lie 5

Oh my god, someone offering sub-5 lies at retail. I feel like Fred Sanford.

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Did they give the McCarty a new name or is it not available anymore?

Edit: It was a lie 5 so maybe it is the Robitaille now?

yh i think your right its the Robtaille now

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Is one of the new curves there, that Kovalchuk pro curve? I know someone in a different thread said they were releasing his pro curve on retail sticks. Just wondering if its true.

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i mentioned that in another thread. the guy that does the pro ordering at inno said the "symth" is kovalchuk's actuall pattern. they (inno) wanted an aggressive curve so the retailed that one.

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I just posted on another thread. I picked up a new Warrior Smyth stick at Perani's, and the lie looks exactly like the Easton Modano I compared it to. I think the catalogue is off by 1. As for the curve, it's pretty close to the Coffey curve; nice and deep, though a toe curve instead of a mid.

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