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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth 06'

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For some reason the easton book for 06' wont download for me..could i have a desrciption of both the grip and non- grip..i dont need info on lettering i know what its like

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This is what it says in the catalouge:

-Corner Reinforcement Technology (CRT) with Kevlar for increased durability.

-CNT molecular level strengthening.

-Raised corner shape for greater control.

-Proprietary uni-mold design.

-Base kick flex point.

The grip is the same but has this also:

-Hydrophobic Textured grip coating for enhanced control.

It is blue and black (nongrip), red and black (grip) and has the SL/ST graphics scheme. (says Stealth near the bottom)

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Wanna make any OPS feel lighter on the blade end? Bore a hole into your end plug and put a 10g weight inside.

I dunno man, that 10g could make your reactions slow enough to miss that one-timer. :D :rolleyes:

Anyway, good tip.

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Wanna make any OPS feel lighter on the blade end?  Bore a hole into your end plug and put a 10g weight inside.

I dunno man, that 10g could make your reactions slow enough to miss that one-timer. :D :rolleyes:

Anyway, good tip.

MacInnis could one-time just fine with his wood stick. The archer, not the bow.

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I dunno man, that 10g could make your reactions slow enough to miss that one-timer.  :D  :rolleyes:

Anyway, good tip.

Did it with MANY NHLers. You'd be shocked.

I used to put this stuff under the tape on the butt end to change the balance. I'm too lazy to drill.


i don't feel very creative anymore :angry:

i got the tape for my golf clubs in march and tried it on my stick....

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