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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL'ers flexes

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Kovalchuk uses a 87 flex . . . ?

and he has a rocket of a shot.

i know antropov uses a super stiff stick but from what ive heard from my reps is exactly what sri is saying 95 and below is getting alot more common

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sakic uses a softer flex as well.

rumour is that he used to use stiff sticks, until easton made a mistake and sent him 80-85? flex sticks, he tried it and liked it so he kept them

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Kovalchuk uses a 87 flex . . . ?

Ya he does. My Pahlsson XN10s are an SW and they feel like an 80 Flex. And Jason Blake uses TPS Whip Flex.

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I know Kovalchuk used to use a 110 Z-Bubble back when he still used shaft/blade combos. It seems odd to go from 110 to 85, but hey, what do I know.

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50% 100

35% 110

10% 120

5%(Too bad for me lol) less than 90


A lot more under 100

Well sorry, from what i see on this board.and ebay...i find it very hard to found lower than 95 flex in pro stock... so i didn't know they were a lot more player using lower than 100 flex

As for Hull...yea he use 75-80.. but that 1 player on 700 lol... and i can't see how a PRO PLAYER can use 65 flex!!! that way too low...

Ever think the reason there are so many more stiff stick available is because the players aren't using those flexes?

I thought pro stocks are sold to the public because the player didn't like that particluar stick, or he did like it initially, got a whole bunch of them, and then found one he liked better. I would think that pro stock sticks are delivered to the pros in their preferred flex, so it seems strange to me that their sticks would be sold to the public because they didn't like the flex.

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