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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How to start an internet store..?

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I'm assuming some of you guys are internet only stores....

I have the capital to start an internet store. How would I go about contacting reps that would work with a new equipment startup?

Thanks for any tips or scrutiny if you think I'd be crazy for trying. =)

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Having the money is not the ticket. The big boys will threaten the manufacturers if they even think of letting you have an acct, nevermind an internet acct.

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Krog, go to the show(s) talk to them, give them a sense of your biz plan and such...find out if there are other shops in your area, most dealers have a mileage circle they try and keep so as not to oversaturate..and if they think you'll pay your bills and move some product will open you up

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Put your $ in real estate. Open up a space/storage facility.

You will lose your shirt in the hockey business. Think of your shipping expenses alone. UPS rates get higher and higher with fuel getting more expensive. Can't ship product for free.

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Starting an internet store is next to impossible because of the big stores. Unless you have millions to spend on booking orders then you won't be able to compete. Best thing to do is to have an actual store and run it that way. If you can get one in an arena then that is even better. Depending on where you are you might need to find your own little nitch in the market...maybe by being known as a big goalie dealer or specializing in another type of product. Best of luck to you on your business ventures though.

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I've never thought of it being that expensive

eg. $200 skate x 5sizes(min) =$1000 and you'd probobly need more than 1 in stock for each size and junior sizes! :o

plus all the other makes/models of skates!

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its doable but you need the right plan, you can't be a me too store...you should probably hire JR to do your buying regardless :huh:

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I've never thought of it being that expensive

eg. $200 skate x 5sizes(min) =$1000 and you'd probobly need more than 1 in stock for each size and junior sizes! :o

plus all the other makes/models of skates!

You have caught on quickly, my friend! Sizes + widths + Jr + Sr = $.

Ok thats $50k in skates.

OPS - fuhgedaboudit!! Sr - 6 patterns + right + left + 3 different flexes = $

Oh, please add in intermediate & jr OPS, as well.

Ok thats $50k in OPS.

Lets see, that $100k in two categories,

now I need gloves, helmets, masks, shoulder pads, elbow pads, shin pads, pants, equipment bags, replacement blades, shafts, goalie gear(arm/chest pads, leg pads, catch gloves, blocker gloves, pants, goal sticks), wood sticks, tape, accessories(garter belts, suspenders, skate covers, etc.).

See how easy it is! I will gladly do this for a $75k consulting/buying fee after you get opened by all the major vendors.

I'm just getting ready to do my own shop booking orders for 2006. This is my favorite time of year. This is known as the "work" in working in the hockey business.

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its doable but you need the right plan, you can't be a me too store...you should probably hire JR to do your buying regardless :ph34r:

the salary he ask is not afordable, sorry, J/k JR.

This is probably one of the main thing to have, a JR.

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its doable but you need the right plan, you can't be a me too store...you should probably hire JR to do your buying regardless  :ph34r:

the salary he ask is not afordable, sorry, J/k JR.

This is probably one of the main thing to have, a JR.

Hey, if they are going to pay Sean Avery $500k, I figure I'm worth something!! At least, I don't yap to my employees or customers!

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